Sunday, June 06, 2004

New Format for the "Morning Brief"

If you're a regular reader of Fastpitchwest, and got this far, you probably noticed that the "Morning Brief" looks a little different. We're using "blogging" (web log) software to make the Morning Brief more user friendly for our readers, as well as the editor. This page is an addition to, not a replacement of the main website.

The major difference in the format of the Morning Brief (other than the color scheme and look of the page) is that it's now indexed and archived by month. Some readers have asked us if there was an easy way to find a particular column, or print it, without getting all of the other topics. The new format will solve that problem, among others. If you want to print only one Morning Brief column, without the others, click the title of the column in the column at the right.

Additionally, it's interactive, permitting you to post your own comments to any column you read. You can agree or disagree with what we write, or just share a comment on any column you wish, or read what others have had to say. You can even click the comment link on the lower right of this column and tell us what you think of the new format for the Morning Brief. The Morning Brief comments section is not a replacement for the Forum, by the way, just a convenient place to post a comment on the spot.

I'm still learning a few things about the software, so bear with the learning curve. At the moment, the archives are acting up, so you'll have to wait on those. I'm adding in some of the old columns as time permits, so check back if you were looking for one and don't find it there at the moment.

We've also placed a "Click here to return to Fastpitchwest" link at the top of the page to make it easy for you to "go back" to the main website.

Sometimes we move the furniture around, and ask you to try out a new chair. As always, Fastpitchwest is a work in progress.


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