Archive for the ‘Websites’ Category

New Website for Oshawa City and District Fastball League

Sunday, February 5th, 2006

From Al’s Fastball:

Oshawa City & District Fastball League

The History of Softball in Oshawa and District

The Oshawa City and District Softball Association is one of the oldest organized softball bodies in Ontario and one of the first to enlist under the banner of the Ontario Amateur Softball Association (O.A.S.A.).

Oshawa’s first O.A.S.A. team entered provincial playdowns in 1924. In 1926 Oshawa’s first city-wide softball association was organized and in1927 Juvenile and Junior leagues, as well as the existing Intermediate League were formed. Originally named the Oshawa “City and Industrial” League the organization grew by leaps and bounds. It eventually embraced other leagues such as the “South Ontario League” and “Oshawa Church League” both of which played an important part in establishing softball in Ontario but fell victims to the depression years of the early thirties.

Later, as small communities in the immediate suburban district requested permission to affiliate, so that they might carry on, the organization was re-named the Oshawa City and District Association. The leadership and help given to the neighbouring communities has proven a wise and far-sighted move as they continue to provide executive and teams and are the backbone of today’s league.

Click link below to visit their website.
Oshawa City and District Fastball League

Minnesota Fastpitch Website Updated

Wednesday, February 1st, 2006

Minnesota Fastpitch Updated has been updated for 2006. Most of the updates are in the “History” section. A couple more will be on the way in the coming weeks, without announcements to be made.

Brett Bresnahan
mailto:mnfastpitch (at)

Editor’s note: Some great work by webmaster Brett Bresnahan, who doubles as NAFA’s webmaster. There are a number of “sub-sites” for Minnesota area teams running underneath the umbrella of Kudos to Brett for providing some great coverage of men’s fastball.

Frappr Slide Show & More

Saturday, January 14th, 2006

(click any photo to enlarge & view)

You may have noted the colorful “Frappr” link on the front page of Fastpitchwest. Our “Frappr” map shows where fastball fans and readers of Fastpitchwest reside, via a clever application of Google maps. The folks at Frappr have added a few new features, including one which allows you to modify the color of your flag, to indicate if you are a player (red), umpire (blue, of course), teams (green), fan (white), or yellow (organization, league or official of same). If you are already a member, you can modify yours by logging in.

If you haven’t “planted your flag”, yet, you can do so, along with an optional photo and “shout out” by clicking here.

Check out our Frappr!
(click logo to visit our Frappr map)

Updated Quicklinks at Fastpitchwest

Saturday, December 10th, 2005

We have updated our “Quicklinks” at Fastpitchwest. For those who may not be familiar with them, they are the links in the grey border at the bottom of most every page at Fastpitchwest. (all but the blogs, which utilize different software)

We provide the Quick Links for the convenience of our readers as a way to jump over to some of the more popular pages or sites, without having to hunt for them or return to the main menu. In the lower right hand corner, you’ll find everyone’s favorite, Al’s Fastball Mailing List archive. The recent changes include the addition of one for our ISC-II blog, “The Deuce”, and ISC-II page at the official ISC website, and one for the new ISC Forum that we are hosting here at Fastpitchwest.

Editor’s note: For layout reasons, we limit the links to one line, and the revised set should still fit on one line, even for those of you with the old 800 x 600 resolution settings. If not, please write to me: feedback (at) and let me know.

Charlottetown Fawcetts Fastball Club

Sunday, November 27th, 2005

One of the teams to post a link to their website to Fastpitchwest’s Frappr Map is the Charlottetown Fawcetts Fastball Club, on Prince Edward Island, Canada. Their website is nicely done, and definitely worth a visit. Among the more interesting news is their signing of a couple of star pitchers for the 2006 Senior Canadians, to be held at the other end of the continent from them, in Prince George, British Columbia:

Fawcetts sign Jeff Ellsworth and Steve Langley

The Charlottetown Fawcetts are pleased to announce the signing of Jeff Ellsworth and Steve Langley for the upcoming 2006 season. The Fawcetts will represent PEI next year in Prince George, BC at the 2006 Senior Men’s National Fastpitch Championship.

Steve and Jeff have asserted themselves as two of the best in Canada in recent years at the ISC’s with the Kegal Black Knights of Fargo, ND and the Kinkora Hitmen at the Canadian Championships.

The Fawcetts are not done yet and will be announcing more signings in the next couple of months

New Look for the Morning Brief

Sunday, November 13th, 2005

Yes, it’s a new look for our “Morning Brief” banner, courtesy of Maddy’s photos and her handiwork. Just sprucing things up a bit during the off season. Let’s see how good you are: Can you identify the players in the pictures? Drop a note in the comments section if you can.

The Wide Wide World of Fastball, on Frappr

Saturday, October 29th, 2005

The Frappr map of fastball teams, players and fans continues to grow, hitting 70 members in only its third day. One of the first to “stake a flag” was Andy McColl way down under in Australia. GHFL’s Blair Setford and a whole block of members from that hotbed of fastball, Ontario, Canada, dropped in. Al Doran, who heads up fastball’s “Holy Grail“, and mailing list, planted his flag and photo. Tom Taylor and the guys up north in BC helped “paint” the rest of the west coast, adding to those up and down the US west coast, including California, home to The Fighting Illini came out in force yesterday to stake their claim. Today’s newest member is Norman Ames over in the Netherlands. Simply amazing to see how wide is this world of men’s fastball. (To “see” flags outside of North America, click their link on the list. Note also that you can click a “photos” link at the top of the page and view the photos, 9 to a page.)

Check out our Frappr!

Thanks to all who have taken the time to “stake a flag” showing us where you are, and especially to those who have fished out a photo or logo to go along with it. If you haven’t posted a flag, it takes just a moment — your zip code and name (or nickname if you prefer) is all that is required. Two-thirds of the postings have included photos, which we strongly encourage. There’s even a place for comments or as the young players call them, a “shout-out” (for your favorite team, for example) Remember that you may post your website address or email address if you wish, so others can reach you.

And if you need a “do-over”, just send me an email and I’ll delete your first attempt and let you start over.

Welcome aboard — to all of you.

Stake Your Flag at Fastpitchwest’s Readers Map

Friday, October 28th, 2005

Frappr is a new online mapping service which allows readers of to post a flag showing where they are, add a note (and photo if they wish). Just enter your name and zip and Google Maps does the rest !

Take a look, or better still, add yourself to our map. (Once at the map, click a flag and the reader’s name, note and photo pop-up) Have a team website? Add the URL to the note (e.g.

Check out our Frappr!
Click here to view and/or add yourself to our map !

We strongly encourage you to post a photo; as you will see, it’s more fun to peruse the flags when photos are attached ! Feel free to use a photo of yourself posted at Fastpitchwest. The Frappr system will automatically resize the photo for you. Note that you can “zoom in” on any flag by using the grid on the left hand side of the page. (Zooming in will show you the city and surrounding area for the zip code entered)

: Thanks to those of you who have take the time to “plant your flag” on the map, and especially those posting photos (most have). If you decide you’d like to add or change your photo, or run into any problems, please email me (jim (at) and I’ll delete you and you can do it again.

Update 2: You may include a website address in your “comments”, but need to include the full URL to create a hyperlink.

Update 3: If you have a high resolution (large) photo, Frappr will shrink your thumbnail, but post the photo in full size (which may be too large for online viewing). We recommend nothing larger than 800 x 600 (640 x 480 works fine, or even smaller if you wish). If you don’t know how to reduce that giant photo, email it to me and I will do it for you: jim @

Update 4: Great job out there. The map is growing by the day. Note that you can click “photos” link at the top of the map page, and view the photos, 9 to a page. You can click the photo to enlarge them as well. Right now, about 2/3’s of the members have a photo or logo for their flag.

Feed Blitz Update

Thursday, October 27th, 2005

“Feed Blitz” is our automated email system that notifies you when a new item has been posted to the Morning Brief.

Note to our readers: We note that about a dozen or so people typed in their email to receive Feedblitz emails, but have not clicked the link in the “welcome to Feed Blitz email. So if you think you signed up for the service, but are not receiving emails from FeedBlitz — check that welcome email you received and click that “confirmation” link. If all else fails, you can just sign up again.

For more info, click the Feed Blitz logo above, or the link over there at the upper right that says “Get Morning Brief via Email”

New and Improved Al’s Fastball Archive

Monday, October 17th, 2005

We are pleased to announce a “new and improved” archive for Al’s Fastball.

As many of you know, Fastpitchwest has been providing a semi-permanent home for Al’s archives, ever since former “Escribe” site went down this summer, during the ISC World Tournament. The features of the replacement archive were more limited than the Escribe site, due to limitations in the software.

The “new and improved” archive restores the two most missed features of the former Escribe site:

1) Newer items post at the top of the page, eliminating the long scroll to the bottom of the page;
2) The search engine is back, enabling readers to find old posts.

Please note that the address to send email to Al Doran remains the same,

Because the new archive uses built in email address protection, if you send anything to Al’s Fastball for posting, please include your email address in the following format:


(the first one will enable people who need to contact you to see you email address, the second will show up with the “@” in the email that Al’s subscribers receive of postings to the list — even though it is obfuscated with an [EMAIL PROTECTED] when it goes up on the archive)