Archive for the ‘Websites’ Category

Get the Morning Brief Via Email

Saturday, October 15th, 2005

For those of you who like knowing when new posts go up at the Morning Brief blog, but don’t like to bother with checking back all the time, we have an easy, automated solution — Feed Blitz. In short, you just sign up to receive Morning Brief via email.

For more info, click the Feed Blitz logo above, or the link over there at the upper right that says “Get Morning Brief via Email”

p.s. if you do sign up, come back and post a comment here and let us know how it’s working and if you like the new feature.

New Website – Prince George Wolfpak, Junior “A”

Thursday, October 13th, 2005

As the website says, the Prince George Wolfpak is “On the Howl”, with a brand new website. Be sure and stop by for a look — but if you’re at work, be sure to turn the volume on your speakers down.

Prince George, for the geographically challenged, is about 600 miles north of Vancouver, B.C. and will play host next year to the Senior Canadian Tournament, August 28-September 2, 2006.

Their top open level team is the Prince George Black Bears, whose pitching staff in 2005 included Colin McKenzie and Kevin Careless, a duo which combined for 26 strikeouts in one (extra inning) game at the Portland Rose Cup tournament.

Look for big things coming from the Great Northwest in 2006 !

Some Comments about Comments

Wednesday, September 28th, 2005

As you may have noticed, this blog, Morning Brief, and our ISC II blog, The Deuce, permit readers to post their own comments on any story posted, by clicking that little comments link below this post (the one that says “No Comments” at the moment 😉

A simple, one-time registration is required, much like that used at the Fastpitchwest Forum, where you pick a login handle and enter your email. You can remain anonymous by choosing a generic login, e.g. “fastballfan” etc. You then receive a password via email to login (which you can change to something simple the first time you log in)

If you’re like me, you probably find the login/password to be a bit of a nuisance. Why hassle with it? Well, unfortunately, there are little spam ‘bots that crawl the internet, posting advertisements and worse, so the login prevents that.

We love to hear what you think on any of the stories posted at Morning Brief, so we invite and encourage you to post your comments.

p.s. And if you’re one of those people that loses passwords easily, feel free to forward it to us, at
where we’ll save it til you need it. Just be sure to add your name so we can locate it later, or send an update if you change the original password assigned.

Two New Fastpitchwest Forum Moderators

Wednesday, September 21st, 2005

We are pleased to announce the addition of a couple new moderators to the Fastpitchwest Forum. Our goal in the coming year is to provide more information through our forum sections, and to foster discussions in those forums.

ISC II Commissioner Blair Setford, from Ontario, Canada will be moderating the ISC II forum section, so you’ll be getting ISC II info straight from the top. Blair’s posting handle is “ontariofastball”. Blair hosts a very popular fastball website of his own,, for the “Golden Horseshoe Fastball League”. Lots of great stuff there.

Brett Bresnahan, webmaster of will be moderating our “Midwest” regional forum section. Under the umbrella of, Brett also hosts a number of team sites. If it has anything to do with Minnesota fastpitch, chances are, Brett has the info on it.

Please take the opportunity to welcome Blair and Brett as moderators for the upcoming 2006 season, and make them feel right at home. I think you will find them both knowledgeable and helpful.

We are working to line up additional moderators for some of our other forum sections, so if you are interested, or know of someone who would make a good moderator, please email me at

For those who might be wondering, we’re in negotiations with “Sledgehammer22” to host the 2006 Rumor Mill, in view of the overwhelming popularity of his 2005 forum section. He just sailed past the 8000 page view mark the other day. We’re waiting for a call back from his agent Scott Boras.

The Fastpitchwest Forum belongs you all of you, so we hope that you enjoy them, and take the opportunity to use them, whether it’s to share information, ask a question, or just comment on whatever the topic of the day may be.

Editor’s Note re: Al’s Fastball Archives

Wednesday, August 24th, 2005

As a member of Al Doran’s Mailing List and daily reader of his Escribe archive, I was sorry to hear of the continuing problem in trying to restore service. [See Note from Al in story below] Al did a remarkable job at the ISC Word tournament, getting scores, boxes, play-by-play and more posted promptly to the ISC website, However, I think we all missed our daily dose from Al in the old familiar Escribe format for the mailing list archive. It was especially unfortunate that the crash took place during the ISC World Tournament. has provided a temporary home for Al’s archives, and will continue to do so as long as necessary. We ask only that you bear with the fact that our archive page is a bit less user friendly than the old Escribe page. As Al noted:

“For now we are not calling it the TEMP site, its our only site at the moment.”

The biggest complaint about the archive page that we are hosting is that the newest items are at the bottom instead of the top of the page, requiring readers to scroll to the bottom to see the latest news. I have the same complaint myself. Unfortunately, the software that we use at present to generate the archive page for Al’s does not permit me to change that format. (Control-End keys together will take you quickly to the bottom of the page on most browsers)

While Al looks at his options, we are researching software that would archive the emails in a format similar to Escribe. In the meantime, we have shortend the URL to eliminate the “.htm” at the end, to simplify things, to just:

Please pass this web address/URL along to your friends so they can find Al’s Archive. You can bookmark it by clicking the link and then Control D.

Jim Flanagan

Message from Al Doran re: Al’s Fastball Archives

Wednesday, August 24th, 2005

We pass along the following note from Al Doran regarding the recent problems the Escribe site that had been hosting his mailing list:

eScribe is down and maybe out, maybe for good.

eScribe went down over a week ago, just as the ISC’s were getting underway. This is not the first time they have crashed and been down for more than a few hours. In June 2004 they went down and were down for weeks while the owner bought and set up all new servers.

eScribe is privately owned, my company has nothing to do with it. Al’s Fastball is just one of hundreds of list servers that make use of the services provided by eScribe. This service has always been free.

Last year in June we learned that the owner, Scott Paterson, was working with a couple of unpaid volunteers to keep eScribe going. He had to buy expensive computer equipment to replace the servers that had worn out and died.

This week we learned that they major technical problems and the prognosis is not good.

See Scott’s note to me today:


Dead power supply and lack of financial support and non-paid volunteers. Going to try to fix it myself as soon as I have time, but really, with no end-user financial support, it’s most likely done for.

This does not sound good.

Thousands of fastball fans miss their easy access to recent posts AND to a virtual gold mine of history on the game, posts from the past several years. We are encouraging Scott to carry on, which is not easy as he cannot receive email any longer, the system is totally down. We do write the occasional very short note to Scott at his work address but I cannot give this out, his employer frowns upon getting private email at his work place.

In the interim, we have been using Jim Flanagan’s TEMP site, as our only site for posting fastball news. That site is:

For now we are not calling it the TEMP site, its our only site at the moment.

We are looking at other options as the temp site does have some drawbacks, including the fact that the latest postings are at the bottom of the page and not the top. As well, if someone sends me a post and then changes their mind, its not that easy to remove the post in error as eScribe was.

Jim Flanagan has very kindly provided this site and I would most appreciate if you could tell your friends about it, many fans may not know about it. We have almost 2,000 fans on our subscriber list but we estimate there are at least that many who were looking daily at eScribe to get their fastball news.

Al Doran

ISC II Blog, “The Deuce” Adds Emailing List

Wednesday, August 24th, 2005

The Deuce blog has added an email mailing list for players and fans of the ISC II.

We’ll send announcements about things like the broadcast archives for 2005, the upcoming 2006 ISC II Tournament of Champions in Kitchener, and updates of note that are posted on our blog. It’s designed for players and fans alike.

We’ll still be posting the majority of items to The Deuce blog, with the email list reserved for announcements of a more special nature, giving members of the mailing list the inside scoop on things.

Click here to join The Deuce mailing list. (it’s automated so you can do it yourself).

Click here to visit the mailing list archives.

You’ll find both of the above links in our links section in the right hand margin for easy access in the future.

The volume of email is heaviest during the ISC II Tournament of Champions every August, and lighter during the rest of the year.

You may unsubscribe or turn it off or on whenever you like, and we protect your privacy. Your email address will not be shared.

Follow ASA Major Finals Play-by-Play in Smokers’ Chat Room

Saturday, August 6th, 2005

From Al’s Fastball – Follow the ASA Major Finals in the Smokers’ chat room

Game just underway near 6pm EST, here is sample of play-by-play available at: ezekiel center….Miljavic scores
schott to third..rubley at first
Frankie Perez…ball
called strike
schott to third..rubley at first
Frankie Perez…ball
called strike
2-1 count
swinging strike two…nice riser
Anonymous1460 has joined the chat room.
sac fly to center…schott scores from third
2-0 Tampa Bay

Bob Walsh Memorial Classic Schedule, July 22-24

Friday, July 22nd, 2005

Click here for Bob Walsh Memorial Classic Schedule of Games

The So Cal Bombers round robin games Saturday, July 23 are:

8am EST vs. Quaker Riversharks, PA
12:00 noon, vs. St. Louis Heflin Builders, MO
3:15pm EST vs. County Materials, WI

From the Bombers website:

The So Cal Bombers will join an elite field of teams at the Bob Walsh Tournament this weekend. The Bombers are currently ranked #18 in the ISC World rankings, and take on 6 teams with Top 10 rankings, looking to rebound from a disappointing Rose Cup outing.

[Allentown, PA]-The 6th Annual Bob Walsh Memorial Classic for Men’s Major Fast-Pitch Softball gets under way this Friday, July 22nd at Patriots Park in Allentown, PA. Scheduled start time is 7:00 pm with Circle Tap of Denmark, Wisconsin pitted against Keating’s Fitness of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. The 9:00 pm game features The Farm Tavern of Madison, Wisconsin taking on Keating’s Fitness.

The Lehigh Valley will once again play host to the best teams in the United States that Men’s Major Fast-Pitch has to offer. Six of the eight teams traveling to this year’s tournament are ranked in the Top 10 in the world by the International Softball Congress (ISC) Unveils “History” Section

Wednesday, June 15th, 2005

Some wonderful work by ISC historian Brett Baughman at, including information dating back to 1947. Hey, that’s before even I was born.