Archive for the ‘Websites’ Category

Google’s Latest: “Keyhole” Software”, Joystick Control of the Planet

Saturday, April 9th, 2005

No games this weekend? Tired of smacking that poor penguin around? Well, if you liked the “satellite photo” feature of Google Maps, you’re gonna love this one. Google has aquired “Keyhole” software, which provides a video/animated version of the satellite maps. It’s like having a joystick control of the planet:

(Be sure to try out the various controls, including “tilt”, which makes it seem like you’re flying a plane.)

Baseball stadiums are easy to spot. (click the box at left if you can’t see them right away) Fastball fields too, if you know where to find them. Kimberly Wisconsin’s legendary Sunset Park, Portland’s Delta Park (Rose Cup) were a couple that I was able to zoom in on. Even if you decide not to pay the $30 a year to keep the service, the 7 day free trial is worth the time it takes to sign up and download it. A great time waster at work. Your boss says get it out of your system this weekend, ’cause there’s real work to be done next week!

Post an address or coordinates in the “comments” section if want to share a fastball field or something interesting with the rest of our readers.

Live Broadcasts from the Red Rock Tournament April 30-May 1, 2005

Thursday, April 7th, 2005

We’ll be broadcasting selected games from the Red Rock Tournament in St. George, Utah, April 30-May 1, 2005. The games will be carried live on our companion site, For those of you not familiar with the new site, was created to make it easier for listeners to find the broadcasts. No more hunting for a lengthy URL (web address), or for a link hidden on one of the back pages of a site. Just go to “” and you’ll find the broadcasts. We’ll post the schedule of games at in the days leading up to the tournament, once the field of teams and schedule is set.

Tech Tips for Fastballers

Friday, March 4th, 2005

As you may have noticed, we have added a couple of “tech” sections to the Fastpitchwest Forum, one for players and fans and another for fastball webmasters.

For the unaquainted, the “Fastpitch Forum” is an bulletin board for the fastpitch community, where players and fans alike can post announcements, notes, comments, or carry on discussions with others about the game of fastpitch/fastball. The Fastpitchwest Forum is divided into a number of sections, including “regional” discussion boards and more. You will find a handy “quick link” to the Forum at the bottom of each and every page at Fastpitchwest.

Tech Tips for Players and Fans

The first new “tech” forum section is geared for players and fans. It’s a place to share tips on how to keep your computers running smoothly, or perhaps about the plethora of great software or applications that are available, including everyone’s favorite: FREE SOFTWARE. The first posts in this section for players and fans cover such topics as free anti-virus software and personal firewall software, as well as alternative browsers and email clients which are growing in popularity.

Tech Tips for Fastball Webmasters

Besides our own website, Fastpitchwest hosts a number of other sites, including some fastball sites. We thought the “fastball webmasters” section would give them a place to share the tricks of their trade, troubleshoot problems, and create an online resource. It’s for the folks that create the websites you love to visit. People like Blair Setford ( and its forum), Tom Vogel, (Rise Fastpitch and the Pennsylvania Forum), Brett Bresnahan (NAFA), Lukas Kamps (Tri-County Fastball Forum), Cesar Rodriguez (So Cal Bombers), and those of you just getting started with sites or the like. The list of fastball webmasters is growing all the time, giving fastball players and fans, more interesting sites to visit.

We hope you enjoy the new forum sections, and find them helpful. Feel free “post up” in either — or any other section at the Fastpitchwest Forum. It’s there for YOU.

New Fastball Website –

Wednesday, February 9th, 2005

Today’s Morning Brief column is a “guest appearance” by my good friend and broadcast partner for the ISC-II, Blair Setford, of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Most of you already know Ontario, Canada as one of the hotbeds of the sport of fastball. (remember, it’s “fastball” not fastpitch in that part of the world). Blair recently rolled out a new website for the league he helps run, the “Golden Horseshoe Fastball League”, at . It’s actually home to a lot more than just the GHFL, but I’ll let him tell you more. Click the title of this column to visit the site. We heartily recommend it to you.

Here is Blair Setford’s Guest Column:

“With the launch of, in no small part due to the tremendous contributions of Jim Flanagan, I am hoping to duplicate, albeit on a smaller scale, the success of Our focus will be on fastball in the hotbed of Ontario, particularly the ISC II brand of ball.

Most of the press in the game goes to the big boys – the teams and players that compete on the ISC World Tournament stage, at the Pan-Am Games and the quadrennial ISF World Series. And it should.

To borrow from the PGA – These guys are good. Nothing beats seeing the game of fastball played by the best players in the world. It’s a shame that we’ve never been able to successfully translate that poetry on grass to the television screens across North America. (More on that in a future guest column.)

But for every team competing at the ISC World Tournament, there are probably five, maybe 10, maybe 25 or even 50 teams that don’t have budgets the size of small Caribbean islands who play for the love of the game and the purity of the competition.

It was for these guys that the ISC II division was started a few years back and it’s where my passion for the game comes from. These players are the unheralded stalwarts of the game who are keeping it alive in all four corners of North America.

And, yes, these guys are good, too. They can run and hit and catch and make plays that will take your breath away. Only it’s not every play, and the imperfections in the game make one appreciate the gems sometimes a little more.

So, what can you expect at First you’ll get coverage of the Golden Horseshoe Fastball League. Beyond that, we’ll provide regular updates on the Ontario Top 10 Intermediate Teams, polls on the best hitters and pitchers, the best bats, the top parks to play in and much, much more.

Rumours and rankings are your thing? Log into the forums and talk all you want about who’s the best and why. If you’ve got a hot scoop, pass it along.

We’re going to experiment with posting video and audio clips during the year along with still pix. Now, unless Maddy and Jim move to Toronto in the next three months, we’re not going to have anything along the lines of the beautiful galleries of photos that Maddy regularly graces us with, but we’ll try to post some new stuff every couple of weeks.

Lastly, tell us what you’d like to see on More polls? More rankings? More outside-Ontario material? More tournament coverage? More league coverage? is literally in its infancy and the direction it takes as it grows is going to be determined by you, the readers. Please voice your opinion. We’ll be listening.

Blair Setford

Editor’s Note: Here is a photo of Blair and I broadcasting at last year’s ISC II Tournament of Champions in Fargo, ND. We’ll be back in at this year’s event, at Chippewa Falls, WI in August, broadcasting another dozen and a half or so games.