Archive for the ‘ISC’ Category

Most Wins in ISC World Tournament – 2002-2008 ? Gerald Muizelaar

Saturday, March 28th, 2009

Bob from Chilawack Tops Readers for “Most Win” Predictions

Gerald Muizelaar was the overwhelming readers’ choice as the pitcher with the Most Wins in the ISC World Tournament from 2002-2008 — which proved to be the correct answer in the latest “ISC Stat Triva Poll”. The tall lanky Canadian righthander garnered 138 of the 410 votes cast – one out of every three votes, outdistancing his nearest competition by more than 85 votes.

Astute Fastpitchwest and Al’s Fastball readers correctly pegged the top three – and in the correct order of finish, no less, Muizelaar, Gareau and Kirkpatrick. (Maybe I should start posting the list of horses running at nearby Los Alamitos race course in advance :-))

Paul Koert appears to be the most underrated pitcher, racking up wins under the radar. Koert garnered 13 of the 410 votes, (only 3%), but is tied for third with Andrew Kirkpatrick, with a whopping 20 wins. The foursome of Muizelaar, Gareau, Kirkpatrick and Koert are the only members of the “20-win” club. Koert’s stature on this list makes his addition to Team USA’s squad for the ISF Worlds this summer look to be a good one.

Voters also hit the mark by correctly tabbing Todd Martin for 4th place, and Frank Cox for 6th, who have 18 and 15 wins respectively. Ironically, it was Martin helping Cox notch that 15th win and inch closer to his total of 18 in last summer’s ISC World Tournament championship game. Martin started the game, gave way to Cox in relief, with Kitchener rallying late in the game for the come-from-behind win. An injury to Cox forced Martin to re-enter the game, and pick up a save, protecting Cox’s win.

Robbie O’Brien and Grant Patterson were also underrated, garnering only 2% and 1%, with 8 and 5 votes, respectively, but the duo are tied for seventh on the actual win list, with 14 wins.

One notable name not on the list – or in the poll — was Darren Zack. Darren, of course, was racking up wins by the handful, but in a different time period – late 1980’s and throughout the 1990’s. The poll only looks at the past seven years, when Darren was well into his 40’s.

Two other pitchers – both to be inducted into the Hall of Fame this summer — rank lower on this list than might be expected, but again, only because they were notching more of their wins a decade before the slice of time viewed in this stat database. (2002-2008) The two ? Mike Piechnik and Michael White. Even so, the two still notched double figure win totals, just in the past eight years.

Take a peek at the ISC Media Guide when it comes out next month, and you’ll see that the trio — Darren Zack, Michael White and Mike Piechnik rank among the all time leaders in wins.

The list of top winners is dominated by Canadian pitchers. Kirkpatrick the top Aussie, in third place with 20 wins, while Lucas Mata the top Argentine is fifth with 17. Jeremy Manley is the top New Zealander, ninth place with 12 wins. No Yanks to be found.

Top 3 (4) – The “20 Win Club”

Gerald Muizelaar, 27
Korrey Garreau, 24
Andrew Kirkpatrick, 20
Paul Koert, 20

Here are the actual win totals for 2002-2008, as shown in a comprehensive ISC statistical data provided by a Fastpitchwest reader, Anon E. Moose. The first poll (“Most Hits”) drew over 300 votes, while this one (“Most Wins”) pulled in over 400 votes.

Actual Win Totals for ISC Pitchers – 2002-2008
(voter’s predicted finish shown in parentheses)

1. Muizelaar Gerald, 27 (1)
2 Gareau Korrey, 24 (2)
3. Kirkpatrick Andrew, 20 (3)
3. Koert Paul, 20 (9)
4. Martin Todd, 18 (4)
5. Mata Lucas, 17 (7)
6. Cox Frank, 15 (6)
7. Patterson Grant, 14 (11)
7. O’Brien Robbie, 14 (10)
8. Underhill Nick, 13 (13)
9. Manley Jeremy, 12 (12)
9. McKenzie Colin, 12 (12)
9. Urquhart Brian, 12 (14)
9. Simpson Jamie, 12 (12)
9. White Michael, 12 (5)
10. Langley Steve, 11 (14)
10. Gollan Karl, 11 (12)
11. Piechnik Mike, 10 (8)

The voter prediction tallies are show below:
(Again, these are the voter’s predictions, not the actual win totals)

Selection Votes

Gerald Muizelaar 34% 138
Korrey Gareau 13% 53
Andrew Kirkpatrick 13% 52
Todd Martin 9% 35
Michael White 6% 25
Frank Cox 5% 22
Lucas Mata 5% 21
Mike Piechnik 4% 17
Paul Koert 3% 13
Robbie O’Brien 2% 8
Grant Patterson 1% 5
Karl Gollan 1% 4
Colin Mc Kenzie 1% 4
Jeremy Manley 1% 4
Jamie Simpson 1% 4
Nick Underhill 1% 3
Brian Urquhart 1% 1
Steve Langley 1% 1

410 votes total

This poll had a number of astute comments posted before the actual results were announced. One reader (“Ty”) had Muizellar and Gareau picked as the top two, noting:

Gareau was more dominant in the last 4 years, but Muizy was clearly more dominant in the first 4

Another noted the point mentioned above about the database skewing a bit against players of an earlier era. From “DiDirt”:

white didnt pitch in 07 or 08 and probably pitched little in 06 at the WT, so his stats will be pretty skewed go from 98-05 and whitey would be right up there; of course Zack would be too and a few others

Commenter “Katman” was not one of those overlooking Paul Koert’s achievments:

paul koert is for sure top 10

Another reader posted a snarky comment about Jamie Simpson, suggesting that he didn’t belong on the list. Twelve (12) ISC World Tournament wins say otherwise. Scoreboard, baby. He’s in pretty select company over the past 7 years.

Bob from Chilawack was one of the few brave enough to post his Top 10 picks ahead of time. He wasn’t far off on any, and one of the few to pick Koert among the leaders. His picks are shown below, with the actual result in parentheses:

1. Muizy (1)
2. Gareau (2)
3. Martin (4)
4. Kirkpatrick (3)
5. Koert (3)
6. Cox (6)
7. Manley (9)
8. Underhill (8)
9. Patterson (7)
10. White (10)

Another commenter thought Bob’s predictions were off the mark:


— but Bob proved to be the ranking Nostradamus among Fastpitchwest readers.

300… and counting

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

The second of our ISC stat trivia polls just hit 300 votes in just a couple day’s time. Click here to tally your vote in this week’s poll, “Which ISC pitcher has the most WT wins from 2002-2008?”

Our earlier trivia poll hit 322 votes in 4 days before the answer was announced.

Answer to be posted in Morning Brief on Saturday morning.

2009 ISC Media Guide Due Out Soon

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

Sneak Preview of 2009 ISC Media Guide

(Photos on the cover by Maddy)

Here is a sneak preview for our readers of the cover for the 2009 ISC Media Guide. The Guide has been printed and is awaiting binding, then shipping. Delivery is expected the first week of April for US addressees and probably 2nd week of April for Canadian addressees. Watch here at the Morning Brief at Fastpitchwest for details on how to order your copy.

Astute readers might notice that the cover photos are from the galleries at Maddy’s Photos. The large cover shot is The Farm’s Kevin Schellenberg going up high to avoid the sliding Mike Lawton of Aspen Interiors on a force play.

ISC Stat Triva Poll No. 2 – Most Wins in ISC World Tournament – 2002-2008

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

Another in a series of ISC Stat polls

As we mentioned in an earlier post, a Fastpitchwest reader provided us with a detailed ISC Stat database for the last seven ISC World Tournaments (2002-2008). Our first poll invited readers to choose the player with the most hits over the seven year period. Voters came close, correctly identifying the # 2 and # 4 hitters (Jody Eidt and Ryan Wolfe, respectively, and projecting the actual hit champ, Jarrad Martin as #4 instead of # 1.

Now, it’s on the pitchers, to see if you can correctly pick the pitchers with the most wins from 2002-2008. For bonus points, we invite and encourage readers to post their top ten (in order from 1 to 10) by posting in the comments section.

p.s. please don’t post number of wins in the comments.

Which ISC pitcher has the most WT wins from 2002-2008?
Nick Underhill
Jeremy Manley
Jamie Simpson
Paul Koert
Gerald Muizelaar
Mike Piechnik
Todd Martin
Korrey Gareau
Michael White
Steve Langley
Lucas Mata
Frank Cox
Robbie O’Brien
Karl Gollan
Andrew Kirkpatrick
Grant Patterson
Brian Urquhart
Colin Mc Kenzie free polls

Most Hits in ISC World Tournament – 2002-2008

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

A reader of Fastpitchwest has been kind enough to provide us with a statistical database compiling ISC World Tournament numbers for the past seven years (2002-2008). We’ll be posting it soon, but in the meantime, as we get it ready, we thought you might like to test your knowledge. (By the way, the stat man behind this work is not one of the “usual suspects”)

The first poll is to choose the player with the most hits over the seven year period. The players listed comprise a veritable who’s who of the world’s best hitters. Feel free to use the comments section to tell other readers why you think a particular player has the most, or to include your list of the top 5.

Which ISC player has the most WT hits from 2002-2008?
Thomas Makea
Ryan Wolfe
Keith Mackintosh
Rhys Casley
Jarrad Martin
Brad Rona
Todd Budke
Jeff Goolagong
Jeff Ellsworth
Patrick Shannon
Jody Eidt
Chris Delarwelle
Paul Rosebush
Donnie Hale
Darren Box
Colin Abbott
Rob Gray
Chris Miljavic
Pat Mackintosh
Bill Simmons free polls

Editor’s note: We’ll post the answer to this question Saturday morning.

Midland Daily News endorses 2010 ISC bid

Sunday, March 15th, 2009

Our view: Great news for the Midland economy
Published: Sunday, March 15, 2009 3:11 AM EDT
All we can say is … “YES!!”

In the midst of a tough economic climate, it sure was nice to hear the City of Midland is going to host the International Softball Congress 2010 men’s world fastpitch tournament in August 2010.

That’s great news for our economy, with an anticipated $2.25 million shot in the arm for our region.

Retailers are happy.

Restaurant owners are happy.

Motels and hotels will benefit as well.

It’s a win-win-win situation. Lots of local businesses should benefit from this tournament.

Midland has hosted big fastpitch softball tournaments before. In the years 1984 and 1996, Midland hosted world tournaments, like the one that is going to be here in 2010. Midland also has hosted men’s and women’s national tournaments and state tournaments. Midland also has had the women’s Olympic team at Currie Stadium.

We have the experience and know-how locally to make the ISC tournament a first-class production.

Credit should go to Kyle Beane of the Midland Explorers — and the entire Explorers’ operation — for pursuing the idea of a tournament in Midland.

He and fellow committee co-chairman Dave Lach made their pitch to ISC officials, who apparently liked what Midland had to say. Some final details need to be addressed, but the tournament is tentatively slated for mid-August, about the same time as the Midland County Fair.

Coming up this August, Quad Cities, Iowa will host the ISC tournament, so Midland has more than a year to before its ISC tournament, which typically attracts 32 teams from around the world and lasts about 10 days.

For decades, Midland has had a well-deserved reputation for being a community that loves softball.

This honor enhances our reputation, and, probably more importantly at this point in our history, enhances our local economy.

More on the 2010 ISC World Tournament heading to Midland

Sunday, March 15th, 2009

Editor’s Note: More coverage from the Midland Daily News on the 2010 ISC World Tournament plans.

Tournament to boost local economy
projected gain from ISC tournament $2.5 million
By Dan Chalk
of the Daily News
Published: Sunday, March 15, 2009 3:11 AM EDT
The 2010 International Softball Congress World Tournament will have a “tremendous” impact on the local economy and will hopefully return to Midland again in later years, said Jim Peckrul, executive director of the Midland County Convention and Visitors Bureau.

The Midland Explorers Booster Club is working on finalizing a contract with the ISC to host the World Tournament and two other concurrent ISC men’s fastpitch softball tournaments over an eight-day period in August of 2010 — bringing about $2.35 million of projected revenue to the Midland area.

“This would be one of the larger economic impact events that we’ve had in Midland,” Peckrul said. “If you take a look at the history of the ISC and the number of cities that have hosted this event, this is a tremendous opportunity for Midland.”

Up to 80 teams will be in town during the tournaments, representing more than 1,000 individuals from around the world. And as many as 20,000 fans are projected to attend the games, which will be played at Currie Stadium and the two other softball fields at Emerson Park, and at Redcoat Softball Complex.

Peckrul said the revenue that comes into the area from the tournament will sustain 29 jobs for the course of a whole year, according to figures from Michigan State University and Travel Michigan.

In the past, Emerson Park and Currie Stadium have been the sites of numerous major fastpitch softball events, including the ASA Men’s Major Nationals, ISF World Championships, USA Men’s National Team and Women’s National Team tryouts, and Olympic Softball team exhibition games.

Peckrul noted that not only does Midland offer a great softball venue, but it has a lot of other things to offer to fans who come watch the ISC.

“We’re a sports mecca,” he said.

And if players and fans like what they see in Midland, the likelihood increases that the city could host the event again in the future.

“If you can get (the ISC) to say, ‘We want to come back,’ that’s what we want to try to do,” Peckrul said.

Midland to host ISC in 2010

Saturday, March 14th, 2009

Midland to host ISC World Tournament
By Dan Chalk
of the Daily News
Published: Friday, March 13, 2009 11:03 PM EDT

More than $2 million of potential revenue pouring into the local economy.

Up to 80 men’s fastpitch softball teams staying in the Midland area for the course of a week, and up to 20,000 spectators visiting the city over that time.

Twenty nine jobs to be created locally.

It all adds up to one big economic ray of sunshine headed this way in August of 2010, when the Midland Explorers Booster Club is set to host the International Softball Congress World Tournament and two other concurrent tournaments at Emerson Park and Redcoats Fields.

While the contract is not yet signed, organizing committee co-chairman Kyle Beane said no other city has put in a bid for the tournament, and it’s just a matter of working out contract details with ISC officials.

“There is a mutual agreement between the Explorers Booster Club and the ISC that Midland will be the host in 2010,” said Beane, who also plays for the Midland Explorers men’s fastpitch team. “We’ve got contract details to work out that will be taken care of in the next couple of weeks.”

The ISC World Tournament will feature either 24 or 32 of the best men’s fastpitch teams from around the world. The concurrent ISC II Tournament of Champions will have about 40 fastpitch teams that are just a notch below those in the World Tournament; and the 19-and-under ISC Youth Tournament will draw eight to 12 youth teams from around the world.

Fans will come in large numbers from Ontario, Beane predicted.

“We think a lot of fans are going to come from Ontario, which is still a hotbed for fastpitch,” he said.

Beane is thrilled at the prospect of having the event in Midland, which last hosted a world fastpitch tournament in 1984 and 1996.

“It’s a great feeling, because it’s something that a lot of people have wanted to see,” he said. “We know what kind of venue we’ve got, one of the best in the country. I think a lot of people are going to be really excited that this tournament is finally going to come to Midland.”

The tentative dates for the tournaments are Aug. 14-21, 2010, Beane said. The 2009 tournament is in Quad Cities.

Beane said that after researching and consulting with Jim Peckrul of the Midland County Convention and Visitors Bureau, the organizing committee came up with a figure of $2.35 million as the economic impact of the tournaments.

Beane’s fellow committee co-chairman Dave Lach said the committee determined that the visitors and convention bureau would receive about $9,000 from the 2 percent local tax on lodging during the tournament.

A portion of any profit generated from the tournament will go to the Explorers Booster Club, but most of the profit will go to local teams, leagues, parks and other worthwhile groups as determined by the committee, Lach said.

Beane said the committee of about 25 members also includes softball notables Marty McGuire, Laura Currie, Pete Finn, Jeff Servinski, Gregg Sauve and Jack Starling, among others.

Lach said about 100 more volunteers will be needed to plan and run the tournament.

Lach said the committee is setting out to raise about $25,000 to meet expenses for the tournament, which include paying the city for the use of the fields.

Beane said the committee has already done a lot of planning over the past few months.

“We’ve got logos designed, we’re working on a website. A lot of work is already done; now it’s just time to start executing the plan,” Beane said.

Lach expects that the cost of admission to tournament games will be about $8 per fan per day, and about $20 per fan for the entire tournament.

He said that spectators will also receive coupons for area businesses with their admission tickets.

Darren Zack, Son to be Teammates at ISC II

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

The International Softball Congress is pleased to announce that Darren Zack has been granted eligibility to play in the ISC II division effective for the 2009 season.

This decision keeps a living legend active in the game. The decision was made by a specially convened panel of the ISC Regional Vice-Presidents.

Not only does this give a new set of players an opportunity to say they played with and against Darren, it also enables Darren to have the opportunity to play with his son, Darren Jr. This is a very important factor for Darren because as a young pitcher, he had the opportunity to play with his father.

Other factors that entered into this decision include Darren’s age (48) and very limited opportunities for father and son to play on the same team. Darren’s eligibility is exclusive to the Ohsweken Redmen team from Ontario and is not transferrable to another team should Ohsweken fail to qualify for the ISC II Tournament of Champions. It is also reviewable at the conclusion of the 2009 season.

Ken Hackmeister


2009 Red Rock at Carson City Cancelled

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

From the Red Rock Tournament Committee:


To Fastpitch Players, Teams and Fans:

We regret to announce that the 2009 Red Rock at Carson City Tournament has been cancelled.

While many teams and players expressed interest in the tournament, we did not receive a sufficient number of paid entries by the March 1, 2009 deadline to proceed. In most other years, the tournament hosted 16 teams, with 12 as the target minimum for this year.

Based on the feedback from teams and players, it appears that the state of the economy is affecting everyone personally and that includes the teams and their sponsors. The factors contributing to the cancellation of the 2009 Red Rock at Carson City tournament included:

1. Cessation of operations for 2 Canadian teams and 6 US teams from last year’s ISC World Tournament.
2. Team budget cutbacks of 30%-50% because of the economy and that they had to look to cut back this year. A number of teams advised that they chose to cutback on early season tournaments to save money.
3. Even when teams have the budget to come, some of their players are cutting back on travel weekends due to concern about their job and work attendance, mainly because of all the recent cutbacks and layoffs.
4. Many unfunded or under-funded teams, with most players paying their own expenses, have decided to cut back on travel to conserve money for a trip or two later in the season and to attend ISC World Tournament, the ISC II Tournament of Champions or other major events.
5. To give advance notice to Carson City, allowing them an opportunity to replace Red Rock this year with another tournament in a different class of play.

In addition to economic reasons, we were also informed that with the ISF World Championships in Saskatoon in July, some teams were not beginning play until after that tournament, and therefore, would not be attending early season events.

Your 2009 Red Rock at Carson City Tournament committee made the decision to cancel the 2009 tournament at the March 1st deadline so as not to cause problems with many of the teams prepared to participate and having to purchase airfares.

While we are disappointed, as teams, players and fans may be, we are optimistic that the tournament will be held in the future, so please keep us on your radar, and reserve that first weekend in May.

We will consult with all team prior to 2010, so be sure to watch for future announcements.

Have a great season!

Red Rock at Carson City
Tournament Committee