Archive for the ‘ISC-II’ Category

Red Rock Invitational Now ISC WT Qualifier

Monday, March 5th, 2007

Only One Spot Left in Red Rock Tournament

Chris Santos ISC US West VP has just announced that the 2007 Red Rock Invitational Tournament being held May 5 and 6 in St. George, Utah is now offering one (1) ISC World Tournament berth to the highest finishing team from the US West region.

8th Annual Red Rock International Invitational – St. George, Utah

TOURNAMENT DATES: May 5 and 6, 2007
BERTHS: ONE (1) ISC WT berth to highest finisher from US West region
ENTRY DEADLINE: March 15, 2007
FORMAT: Round Robin into single elimination.
Payable to:
Roy Stout
P.O. Box 812
Lake Hughes, CA 93532

We are looking for a 16 team tournament again this year as there were 16 teams in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.

Currently we have 15 teams that have either confirmed by having sent their entry deposit or have given a verbal or written commitment to attend. Most have stated the ‘checks in the mail’ so please if you are attending, send your e-mail confirmation and entry fee ASAP.

Teams that are attending to date:

1. Portland Demarini
2. SoCal Bombers
3. River City Rockers
4. Houston Aces
5. Team Minnesota
6. SoCal Tribes
7. Larry Miller Hogs
8. Stockton Italian Athletic Club
9. Panteras, California
10. Innovative Communications, Utah
11. Bud King Pino
12. Castlewood II, Utah
13. A-1 Tank, Northern Cal
14. California Lumberkings
15. Mexicali, Mexico

ISC Qualfying Events – Update #4

Friday, March 2nd, 2007

Below is an updated list of 2007 ISC Qualifying Leagues and Tournaments. There are several changes and additions to this calendar. Please review it carefully. Questions about qualifying tournaments should be directed to the appropriate Regional Vice President.

Canada East Region – Blair Setford VP –
June 8-10 – Torbay, Newfoundland
Berths: World Tournament and ISC II ToC
Double elimination
In region teams only
Tournament Director – Bob McGowan 519-941-6767
Local Contact – Harold Kelly 709-727-9871
Umpire In Chief – Keith Pender

June 22-24 – Innerkip, Ontario
Berths: World Tournament and ISC II ToC
Double elimination
In region teams only
Tournament Director – Bob McGowan 519-941-6767
Local Contact – Howie Brown 519-421-6334
UIC – Bruce Bierman

June 22-24 – Sydenham, Ontario
Berths: ISC II ToC
Double elimination
In region teams only
Tournament Director – Bob McGowan 519-941-6767
Local Contact – Adam Lake 613-484-1313
UIC – Peter Kluszczynski

Eastern Canada Travel League Tournament
July 27-29 – TBA

Berths: World Tournament for 2008
League only teams
Tournament Director – Colin Smith905-790-8226
UIC – Bruce Bierman

Eastern Ontario Home League Tournament
August 24-26 – TBA

Berths: ISC II ToC for 2008
UIC – Bruce Bierman

Western Ontario Home League Tournament
August 24-26 – TBA

Berths: ISC II ToC for 2008
UIC – Bruce Bierman

US West Region – Chris Santos, VP

May 5 & 6
Red Rock Invitational

St. George, UT
Berths: 1 WT berth to highest finishing team from US West region.
Contact: Roy Stout 661-724-1551
UIC: Roy Stout

May 19 & 20
So Cal Bombers Invitational

Palm Springs, CA
Berths: 1 WT and 1 ISC II
Contact: Ralph Trejo 909-841-0462 C or 909-889-3700 W
UIC – Roy Stout
Note: Any team can play but only US West Region teams that play with their ISC roster are eligible to win a berth.

May 25, 25 & 27
Joe Santos Memorial

Pueblo, CO
Berths: 1 WT and 1 ISC II
Contact: Chris Santos 303-419-7352 – cell or 303-690-4847 – home
UIC – Ginger Rendon 719-564-5575
Note: Any team can play but only US West Region teams that play with their ISC roster are eligible to win a berth.

June 16 & 17
Best of the West Tournament

Santa Barbara, CA
Berths: 1 WT and 1 ISC II berth
Contact: Dave Blackburn 310-266-7803
UIC – Roy Stout
Note: Any team can play but only US West Region teams that play with their ISC roster are eligible to win a berth.

US East Region – Bill Howell, VP –

April 20-22
War Eagle Fastpitch Classic

Auburn, AL – Auburn Softball Complex
Berths: 1 ISC II berth to champ, regardless of region
Contact: Robby Carter (334) 501-2976
UIC: Sam Kelley 314-279-6168 H or 314-416-6459 W

May 25-28
Bahamas Invitational

Abaco, Bahamas
Berths: 1 WT to champ, regardless of region
Contact: Haziel McDonald (H) 242-365-6436; (W) 242-359-6449; 242 359-6449 (Cell)
UIC – John Gretz (703) 975-4939 (cell)

May 25 – 27
George Baumann Memorial Tournament

Erie, PA
Berths: 2 WT and 1 ISC II to top two highest finishing teams, regardless of region.
Contact: Bruce Baumann
UIC – George Ambrose

June 8 – 10
Midland Invitational

Midland, MI – Emerson Park
Berths: 2 WT to top two highest finishing US East teams. If not 2 US East teams, highest finishing team(s) from any region.
Contact: Kyle Beane
UIC – Joe Squires 989-631-7043

June 23 & 24
Ashland, OH

Berths: 1 WT 2 ISC II to any team from any region.
Contact: Mike Van Dine 419-496-8496
UIC – Garry Kline 419-651-2992

June 29 – July 1
Croghan, NY

Contact: Charlie Walseman 518-207-6992 or Jon Walseman 315-346-6681
Berth: 1 ISC II berth to highest finishing US East team
UIC: Chris Tehonica

June 29 – July 1
Allentown, PA

Patriots Invitational
Contact: Don Hunsicker 610-797-6039 Home or 484-357-6135 Cell
Berth: 1 ISC II berth to highest finishing team from any region
UIC: Jon Adams 610-360-4429 Cell

June 29 – July 1
Frankenmuth, MI – Heritage Park

Michigan Qualifier
Contact: Tom Stasik 989-652-2058
Berth: 1 ISC II berth to highest finishing team from US East
UIC: Rick Havercroft 989-790-0372 H

2007 ISC II Berths already secured:
Tiffany’s – 2006 Mid Michigan Travel League
Rise – 2006 Mid Atlantic Travel League

US Central Region – Dave LeBlanc, VP

May 25, 26 & 27
Walcott Memorial Day Qualifier
– 8-10 team round robin – single elimination
Walcott, IA
Berths: 1 World Tournament berth available to any team from any region
Contacts: Sean Marten 563-391-8307 or Ron Foster 563-650-2837

May 25, 26 & 27
Wisconsin Qualifier

Circle Tap & Denmark, WI
Berths: 1 World Tournament and 1 ISC II berths available to any team from any region
Contact: Dave LeBlanc H 920-830-2128 or C 920-851-2349
UIC: Dave LeBlanc

June 8, 9 & 10
Liberty Bank – Albaugh, Inc – DSM Hall of Fame Tournament

Elkhart, IA
Berths: 1 World Tournament berth avaiable to any team from any region
Contact: Tom Owen

June 15 – 23 (two weekends)
Iowa ISC Qualifier

Walcott, IA
Berths: 1 World Tournament and 1 ISC II ToC to US Central teams.
Entries: Limited to teans in US Central region
Contact: Pat Sullivan 563-583-4381
UIC: Pat Sullivan 563-583-4381

July 13 – 15
AFSA Classic

Aurora, IL
Berths: 1 World Tournament 1 ISC II berths available to any team from any region
Contact: Dave Perkins
UIC – Les Novak

Midwest Softball Congress League
Berths: 1 ISC II berth
Contact: Wayne Fisher
UIC: Cathy Crayton (563)388-9503

Wisconsin Travel League
Berths: 1 World Tournament berth
Contact: Dave LeBlanc
UIC: Dave LeBlanc

Canada West Region
– Ferdi Nelissen, VP
Qualifier Coordinator – Craig Donaldson

June 1 – 3
Rambler Park Fastball League Tournament
Regina, SK – Rambler Park

Berths: 1 ISC II berth to highest finishing team from Canada West.
Contact: Harvey Curts 306-545-0682
UIC: Stan Hilderman 306-566-3089

June 8 – 10
Ducks Unlimited Fastpitch Shoot-Out
Melfort, Saskatchewan

Berths: 1 World Tournament berth to any team from any region
Contact: Keith Mackintosh 306-665-7355
UIC: Dave Moore 306-934-3006

June 9 – 10
South Hill Qualifier
Vancouver, BC

Berths: 1 ISC II berth to highest finishing team from any region.
Contact: Craig Donaldson 604-525-3440
UIC: Bill Watson 604-992-4948

July 27 – 29
Vancouver Challenge
Vancouver, BC – South Memorial Park

Berths: 1 World Tournament berth to highest finishing team from Canada West
Contact: John Mulka 604-649-1047
UIC: Bob Henning 604-790-1166

ISC Introduces New Roster & Team Registration Process

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

August 6, 2007 Final Deadline for ISC/ISCII Rosters

In a continuing effort to streamline our overall operation and at the same time, reduce both expense and volunteer requirements for tournament hosts, beginning in 2007 the ISC will implement a new team roster and team registration process at the World Tournament and ISC II Tournament of Champions.

The former 3-part roster form is being eliminated and replaced with a single copy form that is available on line or will be email attached to those requesting it. The new form is currently displayed at Click on Rules & Forms in the left margin of front page. You can save this form, to your computer, from the web site display.

For both World Tournament and ISC II teams, the roster form must be submitted three times per season; May 1, July 15 and the Monday preceding the start of the ISC World Tournament. In 2007, this final date is August 6.

The May 1 date is a “preliminary” roster and a mandatory PRAWN declaration date for those teams having PRAWN players. May 1 will also continue being the due date for Out of Region (formerly Out of Area) player forms.

July 15 is the deadline for rosters to be in the hands of the championship tournaments host for use in the printed tournament program.

August 6 will be the final deadline for rosters used in the 2007 World Tournament and ISC II Tournament of Champions.

All rosters are to be emailed to the appropriate Statisticians whose addresses appear on the roster form itself.

The overall process involves each team “saving” their first roster on their computer. Then as subsequent due dates arrive, only changes need to be made to the saved form.

This process will eliminate the need for the former Team Registration ordeal on the Friday morning preceding the start of the World Tournament. The mandatory team manager meeting will still be held at 12 noon on the beginning Friday. Outside the manager meeting room, tables will be set up for distribution of materials for each team. Player and immediate family member tournament passes will be distributed based on the August 6 roster submission. This distribution process will begin around 10 AM and continue until after the manager meeting concludes. ISC personnel, Umpires, Hall of Fame inductees and others requiring credentials will also pick up outside the manager meeting room.

The Statisticians will also be available during this distribution process, to make any last minute roster changes.

For ISC II, the above process will be used but the manager meeting and credentials distribution will take place preceding the start of the ISC II Tournament of Champions. Time and location will be announced later.

To download a copy of the new roster form, click here.

(It’s an Excel file, so choose “save” to save to your computer’s hard drive, or “open” if you want to open it.)

If you don’t have Excel (which is part of Microsoft Office) and don’t want to $pring for it, try the open source freebie, “Open Office”.

Click here to visit the official ISC website page with for Rules and Forms. You’ll find the new 2007 Roster under “Forms”, right at the top.

For those wanting the new roster form via email attachment, email any of the following and request one.

The ISC extends thanks to Bret Baughman, ISC Historian and Assistant Statistician, for his efforts in developing much of the new procedure and roster form.

Free Lodging for Bahamas Tournament Winner !

Tuesday, February 6th, 2007

Bahamas Tournament To Be ISC & ISCII Qualifers

Some big news relating to the Bahamas Tournament hosted by the Texaco Pirates May 24-26, 2007 — the winner will get FREE LODGING for the tournament, and the tournament has been approved by the ISC as a qualifer for the ISC World Tournament ands ISC II Tournament of Champions. Need more incentive? How about a chance to play on the field shown in photos below? Think you’ll have a hard time convincing your wife or better half to go to this one? 🙂

Click here for info and to get a look at some spectacular aerial photos of their own private island, Man-O-War Cay. Yes, that is their home field right down on the beach. The fellow that lives in the blue-roofed house on the first base side (see photo) has generously agreed to loan us his internet connection for broadcasting and tournament coverage. Don’t miss this one! (more…)

Red Rock Tournament – May 5-6, 2007

Friday, February 2nd, 2007

Click photo above for panoramic shot of the beautiful Canyons Complex. (if it does not “shrink to fit” in your browser, right mouse click, then choose “view image”. )
8th Annual Red Rock International Invitational
St. George, Utah

TOURNAMENT DATES: May 5 and 6, 2007

ENTRY DEADLINE: March 1, 2007
FORMAT: Round Robin into single elimination.

Payable to:
Roy Stout
P.O. Box 812
Lake Hughes, CA 93532

We are looking for a 16 team tournament again this year as there were 16 teams in 2004, 2005 and 2006.

St. George is located in the southwestern corner of Utah. It’s a warm weather retirement community with seven beautiful diamonds consisting of golf green quality outfields with enclosed fences. There is a full service snack open during the entire tournament. The ball park is situated amongst the beautiful backdrop of red colored mountains and green trees and lawns. There is plenty of parking. The ball park is located just a few minutes away from the city center. These are the most beautiful diamonds West of Orlando, Florida’s Disney World Complex. Many feel they are the finest they have ever played on. The outfields are like carpets. (more…)

Website Updates for AAU Int’l Tournament

Sunday, January 14th, 2007

We have updated our website for this week’s upcoming AAU International Tournament at the Disney Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, FL, adding pages for:

Teams & Pools
Schedule of Games
Live Broadcasts on
Maddy’s Photos

Click here to view our updated AAU International Tournament website.

2007 AAU Roster – Florida Fastpitch

Sunday, January 7th, 2007

Looks like Dr. Larry and Steve Thurmer have put together another good roster for this month’s AAU International Tournament, an East Coast, West Coast, Midwest, Southern team with a Latin flavor. Coach Steve Thurmer is a St. Louis lawyer who played for the ISC World team, St. Louis GMAC for a number of years (and could still be playing according to some). Steve has a long history in fastpitch and the ISC — his father ran the St. Louis Browns team during the 1970’s. Dr. Larry Mastrogianakis is a longtime player and sponsor who always seems to land a talented group of players.

(the caption in Spanish says: Sebastian Gervasutti, of Argentina, one of the best pitchers at the Pan American Games, shown here with his bronze medal)

Gervasutti, Brown, Johnson, Palazzo, Darling, Gray, Brannin, Mastrogianakis and Felix all played on the ASA team that finished second at last year’s ASA Major National Tournament in South Bend, Indiana, with a 7-2 record, getting to the title game before falling to Circle Tap. Florida Fastpitch forced Circle Tap to the “if” game pounding out 16 hits and four homer enroute to a 15-3, five inning win in the first championship game. Florida Fastpitch has finished second in the last two ASA Major tournaments.

So Cal fans will recognize several of their players, including both members of their pitching staff — Sebastian Gervasutti (or “Seabass” as his teammates call him) is the young Argentine pitcher who pitched so well for Team Rainey in their final season, beating higher ranked teams along the way. Most recently, Sebastian pitched his home country’s team to a bronze medal at the Pan American Games in Hermosillo, Mexico. He’ll team up at the AAU with Sonny Perkins, who pitched with last year’s AAU Champions, Team USA, and has also pitched for Team Rainey, as well as Albaugh, Iowa with fellow Team USA teammate Terry Luster. Another member of last year’s AAU champion will also join the Florida squad, Landy Rodriguez, who was recently named “Male Athlete of the Year” by USA Softball. Rodriguez, who hails from West Haverstraw, New York, had an outstanding 2006 AAU tournament, hitting .529 with five home runs, seven RBI and finishing near the top in MVP voting. So Cal Bomber fans will get a good look at Landy — he’s among the newest members of the 2007 team.

Florida Fastpitch AAU roster:
( pitchers in bold)

Sebastian Gervasutti
Sonny Perkins

Steve Mitchell
Mike Brown
Brad Johnson
Larry Mastrogianakis
Matt Palazzo
Tommy Gray
Matt Darling
Tom Owen
Ron Brannin
Landy Rodriguez
Mike Armitage
Lauro Felix
Jody Summerlin
Steve Thurmer (Coach)

2007 AAU Roster – Team Minnesota

Thursday, January 4th, 2007

(Photo: Gerald Muizellaar, regarded as one of the best pitchers in the world, shown pitching for Team Minnesota at the 2006 AAU, where they took 2nd among 28 teams)

Last Year’s Runner-up to Return to AAU

Team Minnesota is pleased to announce it’s roster for the 2007 AAU International Tournament. Team Minnesota is looking to improve upon it’s Runner-Up finish in last year’s event, losing to Team USA in the Championship Game. Team Minnesota returns 10 players from last year’s team and adds four players for next month’s event in Orlando, Florida. Additions to the 2007 roster are Chad Boom and Frank DeGroat, Jr. (who were members of the 2006 AAU Championship team, Team USA that beat Minnesota), as well as BJ Boom and Tony Kunka.

Editor’s notes: Team Minnesota was unknown to many at the 2006 AAU, though their players were not. Certainly anytime Gerald Muizellaar takes the mound, you are capable of beating anyone. The 2006 squad was a combination of veterans like Roman Foore and youngsters like the Goring brothers, Zach and Lucas. Fiore launched what may have been the longest home run ever hit at the Disney complex in Orlando at the 2006 tournament, a towering, moon-shot that cleared both the regulation and slo-pitch fence. In 2006, Team Minnesota knocked off an ISC World class Hallman Twins team to reach the finals, and look to be among the pre-tourney favorites to do so in 2007, adding two members of last year’s championship TEAM USA squad, Chad Boom, and Frank DeGroat, Jr. Boom is perhaps the most consistent hitter on Team USA, a veteran of several ISF campaigns, while DeGroat, Jr. was a one-man wrecking crew, earning Most Valuable Player at last year’s tournament.

Team Minnesota’s full roster can be found online at

Pitchers shown in bold

# Name Pos. B – T
1 Zach Goring Uti R – R
2 Lucas Goring OF L – R
4 Scott Deutsch DH L – L
5 Gregg Cascaes SS L – R
7 Jason Wandler IF L – R
8 Frank DeGroat, Jr. C R – R
10 Gerald Muizelaar P R – R
16 Chad Boom Inf R – R
18 Rick Lang P R – R
21 Chris Diethert IF L – R
31 Tony Kunka 1B, OF L – L
36 Kevin Kammueller P R – R
41 BJ Boom Uti R – R
44 Roman Foore 1B L – R

12 Darrell Goring Manager
33 Brett Bresnahan Asst. Coach

AAU Roster – Texaco Pirates, Bahamas

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007

The first in a continuing series of team profiles leading up to this month’s AAU International tournament, January 18-21, 2007 in Orlando, FL.

The Texaco Pirates of the Bahamas will return to Orlando once again for this year’s AAU International. The Pirates have done well in past tournaments and continue to improve their roster each year. In 2004, they were the Consolation champions. In 2005, they came within a hair’s breath (one run) of knocking off eventual 2005 Champions, Circle Tap of Wisconsin, in a see-saw battle. This past summer, the Pirates travelled to Kitchener, Ontario, Canada for their first trip to “The Show”, the ISC World Tournament.

Roster additions for 2007 include two pitchers from that 2005 Circle Tap championship team, Dewey Dyck and Rob Scheller, along with Doug Sleep, to go with their resident ace, Edney Bethel. Bethel (featured on the cover of at the moment) swings a good stick as well, so look for his bat to be in the lineup when he’s not pitching. Keep an eye on William Weatherford as well, as he has shown that he can hit the best pitching the tournament has to offer. Circle Tap’s Kyle Magnusson will also join the Pirates for the AAU, and makes the team a solid contender for the 2007 title.

The Pirates will be hosting their own tournament in May, 2007, at their home field on “Man-o-War” Cay, in the Bahamas. Teams interested can contact Haziel McDonald, the Pirates manager.

Texaco Pirates AAU Roster

(pitchers shown in bold)

Andrew Albury
Darren Rogers
William Weatherford
Doug Sleep
Dewey Dyck
Rob Scheller

Edney Bethel
Fred Sweeting
Kyle Magnasson
Lyle Sawyer
Nathanial Malone
Grant Albury
Greg Gardiner
Haziel Mcdonald-manager

Headed to the AAU and want your team profiled here? Send info to jim (at) fastpitchwest (dot) com.

Portland DeMarini Rose Cup – June 23-24, 2007

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007

$5000 in Prize/Travel Money at 2007 Rose Cup

From Al’s Fastball:

[Portland, Oregon] – The 2007 Portland DeMarini Rose Cup is scheduled for June 23-24 at Delta Park in Portland, Oregon. The Portland Metropolitan Softball Association (PMSA) is proud to announce that this years event will have 5k in prize/travel money for the top four finishers. see below for breakdown.

Dates: June 23 & 24th – 2007

Address: East Delta Park – attn: Ron Boley
10737 N. Union Ct.
Portland, OR 97217

Classification: Men’s Major Invitational

Number of teams: 16 (top 12 advance to Sunday money round)

Number of games: 4gg

An ASA sanctioned event – ISC pitching rules

Tournament Hosts: PMSA – or

Prize/Travel Money: top 4 finishers

1st place $2,500
2nd place $1,500
3rd place-$500. (two third place finishers).

Entry fee: $400.00(US dollars) per team payable to PMSA at above address.

Tournament Director: tba

Host Team: Portland DeMarini e-mail:

Host Hotels: Portlander Inn (503)345-0300 ext. 5870 ask for Claudia
Country Inn Suites (503)255-2700 ext. 118 ask for Allison

(mention Rose Cup when reserving rooms)

For additional info contact:

Brian Ree at
Ron Boley at
Tom Ree at