Archive for the ‘ISC-II’ Category

Competitiveness at ISC II

Wednesday, December 14th, 2005

From ISC II Commish Blair Setford over at the ISC Forum:

“One of the things that I get asked about a lot is: How close is the competition at ISC II? The answer is that the division is incredibly competitive with parity across most of the board. Any team that manages to make the playoff round has a legitimate chance to win the ToC. [Tournament of Champions]” Blair provides a breakdown on final scores, showing that more than half of the round-robin and playoff games were decided by 2 runs or less.

Read the entire post, and the complete breakdown at this link:
Competitiveness at ISC II

(click logo above to visit our ISC II blog, “The Deuce”)

ISC Tournament List growing for 2006

Monday, December 12th, 2005

From Al’s Fastball: ISC Tournament List growing for 2006

Please note the following request from Al Doran:

Please post them first to Al’s Fastball so that we will have a link for each tournament.

A-1 Tank / Nor Cal Mavericks Merger

Sunday, December 11th, 2005

Sledgehammer22 has broken another piece of big news at the 2006 Rumor Central:

News Break!!! Fresh off the phone with Chris Wright of the Nor Cal Mavericks. The Mavericks have announced a merger between them and A-1 Tank. The deal was said to be done last week and the details have been ironed out. The team will take on the A-1 Tank name and compete at the ISC II level. Wright, who will have the duties of General Manager and Field Manager, says the merger is a two year deal with options after the first year. The merger instantly makes the northern California based team a serious player at the “B” level and ISCII level. When asked about the deal, Wright added, “It’s tough to watch my Mavericks team name go but this could turn out to be a great thing for Nor Cal fastpitch. I’m excited for the season to start.” The Mavericks look to compete in Red Rock, Portland and a travel league in preparation for the ISC II Tournament of Champions. Details of the roster will be released later this month.

The merger positions the team to compete with another new California ISC II team being formed, for a bid to compete in the ISC II Tournament of Champions in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada in August.

Sledgehammer22’s “2006 Rumor Central” has nearly 10,000 page views in barely a month’s time — almost as many as all of 2005. Click here to catch the latest.

99 and growing

Saturday, December 10th, 2005

The new ISC Forum, not yet a week old, is up to 99 members and growing. Will you be the 100th member? Click here to join.

Update: Well, it was Jason Porto who grabbed the “100th member” spot. Sorry Jason, no prize 😉 The membership is still growing, so be sure to drop by and see what folks are saying, or post your own comments. (Be sure to read the guidelines before registering — full, real name required. You know the routine by now)

New ISC Forum

Monday, December 5th, 2005

From Al’s Fastball:

“The ISC Forum – – Another Communication Tool for All

In a continuing effort to improve communication between the ISC and players, managers and fans, we are announcing an experimental forum from the ISC web site. Internet forums are a very popular service right now and there are numerous ones being used, most based on geographical location. “

Click here to read the entire press release from the ISC regarding the new ISC Forum.

Access the ISC Forum via a link on the front page of the official website. (Right underneath the media guide) Please be sure to use your firstandlastname when registering for the iscforum. (e.g. johnsmith), and include your city/province.

Kitchener to Host ISC Championships in 2006 AND 2007

Sunday, November 27th, 2005

Decatur out, Kitchener In for 2007.

-and 2007-

From Al’s Fastball:

“The International Softball Congress (ISC) and Kitchener Fastball Promotions (KFP) are happy to jointly announce that both 2006 and 2007 ISC championship tournaments will be conducted in Kitchener, Ontario. The 2007 tournament dates are August 10-18, 2007”

Click link to read the complete story.
Kitchener Awarded 2007 ISC Championships

2005 ISC-II Tournament of Champions Feature Story & Photos in Softball Magazine

Monday, November 14th, 2005

The Fall 2005 issue of Softball Magazine, which just hit the newstands, features ISC II MVP Casey Halstead on the “inside” cover, along with a feature story penned by ISC II Commish Blair Setford, “Changing of the Guard at ISC II” and photos by Fastpitchwest’s own photographer, Maddy Flanagan.

The magazine is available on a subscription basis, which we heartily recommend. During 2005, the magazine carried 5 feature length articles and photos of men’s fastball, including the AAU Tournament, Red Rock, Rose Cup, and now the ISC II.

Click the PDF logo to view a PDF copy of the feature story with photos. (Requires Adobe Reader)
The file is large and takes a minute to load, so please be patient.

Decatur Withdraws as 2007 ISC Host

Monday, November 14th, 2005

From Al’s Fastball:

“After being awarded the 2007 ISC World Tournament and ISC – II Tournament of Champions, the Decatur Sports Foundation became aware of issues which may have jeopardized their ability to host quality ISC Tournaments. According to ISC Executive Director, Ken Hackmeister, “we have been in communication with them the past several weeks, seeing what options might be available to allow Decatur to retain and conduct our 2007 championship tournaments.”

Click link for whole story. Decatur Withdraws as 2007 ISC Host

Fedlock Explorers – 2006 AAU Tournament

Monday, November 7th, 2005

Pitchers Dewey Dyck and Rob Scheller will team up again for the AAU International tournament January 19-22, 2006, on Michael Grove’s Fedlock squad. Dyck and Scheller pitched the Circle Tap/Bar of Appelton team to the AAU title in last year’s AAU tournament. Joining Dyck and Scheller will be Doug Sleep, to round out the three man staff.

Fedlock Explorers – 2006 AAU Tournament
(From Al’s Fastball)

For information on the 2006 tournament, click here.

Two More “Bonus” Galleries of ISC II Photos

Monday, October 17th, 2005

We are pleased to share two more “bonus” galleries of photos, from the 2005 ISC II Tournament of Champions, at Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, including those taken on the final day of the tournament. Click the menu buttons for galleries 7 and 8.

Among the photos are some of the tournament’s Outstanding Pitcher and Most Valuable Player, Casey Halstead of the champion Elimira ON Cubs, as well as some shots of individual award winners, and one of all four Ontario, Canada teams, which finished in the top 4 spots in the tournament. Hope you enjoy them.

Update: Someone asked about this one. It’s a laptop computer showing the storm front about to hit Eau Claire/Chippewa Falls, WI on the second to last day of the ISC II Tournament. ISC II VP Bob McGowan and ISC II Commish Blair Setford were staying on top of things with the weatherman in order to ensure the tournament’s completion. For most of Thursday afternoon, it looked like this. (Oh, they managed to keep their “spirits” up during the rain delay)

By late Thursday afternoon, the fields looked more ready for fishing than fastball, but somehow, the Chippewa Falls Grounds Crew managed to get the fields ready for the following day, just in time for the quarterfinals, semi-finals and championship game. To the players at the 2005 ISC II, that crew, and most especially the fellow in the green shirt and beard, “Ade”, who was up at 3am Friday to be sure the fields would be ready were the tournament MVPs (Most Valuable People).