Archive for February, 2007

Al’s Fastball

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

Many of our readers are familiar with Al’s Fastball, which we affectionately refer to as “The Holy Grail” of Men’s Fastball.

Al’s Fastball is operated by Al Doran, in Ontario, Canada. (Al also doubles as the ISC Fastpitch webmaster).

The website provides a wealth of information on men’s fastball all over the world, and his emails go out daily to more than 1,500 fastball fans every day — including me. From time to time, we are asked for information on how to sign up for his mailing list, so we’re posting this link:

Click here for information on how to get onto the email mailing list for Al’s Fastball.

Mailing list subscribers can submit emails for posting to Al’s, but be sure to read the guidelines posted on the page linked above.

At the AAU tournament recently, a friend of mine was chatting with Al Doran and I. My friend told Al that his site was the first place he goes for fastball news every morning, then looked at me, as if he had hurt my feelings. I told him “don’t worry – it’s the first place I go too” 🙂 Al’s Fastball is a good part of the inspiration for Fastpitchwest – to help provide some news on what is happening “out West”. We heartily recommend Al’s Fastball – the website, and the mailing list to all of our readers.

For the convenience of our readers (and the editor), Fastpitchwest provides two easy links to get to Al’s Fastball:

1. Main Menu – the first menu button on our front page will take you directly to Al’s Fastball, the website.

2. Quick Link Bar – you’ll find a “Quick Link” to Al’s Fastball Archive on the far right hand side of that little grey bar at the bottom of nearly every page at Fastpitchwest. (except this blog) We are proud to host the back-up archive for copies of the emails that Al sends out, in chronological order.

Grass Valley Tournament – Northern Cal – April 14-15, 2007

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

From Mike Milligan in Northern California:

Hello Gentlemen,
Nevada County Fastpitch will be holding our first tourney of the year on April 14th and 15th 2007. All games will be held at Les Eva field in Memorial Park in Grass Valley ca. If we get enough teams we will possibly make it a twin cities tourney and use the Colfax field also. If we can get at least eight teams to commit, the first place team will receive a $250.00 gift certificate at A Perfect Game to be used as the coach sees fit. A new bat, uniforms, ball bags, wind breakers or whatever we can get for you, even a trophy if that gets you off! This tourney is open to any and all level teams. “B” level teams will be spotting the “C” teams four runs to start the game. Also the top finishing legitimate “C” team will receive a $100.00 gift certificate or both the $250.00 prize and the $100.00 prize if you win the whole thing. So start working out now “C” teams.

We really would love to have all the Upper level teams as the Girls fastpitch league will be advertising this tournament so the young ladies can come out and observe the game they play at the highest level. It sounds funny but some of them do not even know that men play fastpitch. Other fun stuff: Home Run Derby, Strongest Overhand Throw MPH, Strongest Underhand Throw(MPH), fastest around the bases and a Throwing Accuracy Competition. (Prizes still to be determined.) Skills competition to be held on Saturday night.

The entry fee will be $375.00 due in by Friday April 6th. Hope you all can make it up (or down for team Nevada) for the funest tourney of the year. If you have any questions just lay them on me!!!!

Mike Milligan
NCSA (Fastpitch)
A Perfect Game
fax 530273-3699

Maddy’s 2007 AAU Photos – Gallery 10

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

That’s a wrap !

Gallery 10 of 10 is up for your viewing enjoyment. It’s a bit smaller than the others, but rumor has it that there might be some “bonus” additions to it soon, along with a couple triptychs (action-sequence shots).

Click the camera to view all ten galleries of photos from the 2007 AAU International Tournament, held January 18-21, 2007 at Disney’s Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, Florida.

After clicking the camera icon above, click the menu button on left for Gallery 10, or to jump directly to Gallery 10, click here.

Gallery 10 has a nice shot of the beautiful championship trophy. If you look through the pics from past AAU tournaments, you’ll notice that tournament director Alex Linares out-does himself every year. This one is my personal favorite. It will find a place of honor at the home at Mac’s sponsor, and organizer, Tom McAvoy.

Speaking of champions, there’s a shot of Mac’s Marauders, though you’ve seen that one before, as it graces the main photo gallery page that you’ve been looking at for the past ten (10) days.

Also one of the runner-up New York Gremlins, who had an outstanding tournament, piling up the most runs, if I’m not mistaken, and coming within three outs of taking home the gold.

You’ll find the MVP’s, Colin McKenzie as Most Valuable Pitcher, who picked up the win in the championship game, and Frank Perez, the Most Valuable Player for his efforts, including that dramatic, extra inning walk-off home run in the championship game.. (If there were an honorable mention, that would have to be their teammate Eduardo Leonardo, who hit the game tying home run to lead off the bottom of the 7th inning of the title game, then singled in the 9th inning to set the stage for Perez’s heroics.).

You’ll also find pics of ISC II broadcaster Joe Todd, who went down from Ontario, Canada to watch the tournament and wound up helping with the broadcasts, as well as yours truly and Kyle Smith. Kyle is the newest member of the Ballparkradio crew, having been signed as a “free agent” by ISC II Commish Blair Setford, to help with the ISC II Tournament of Champions broadcast program last summer. Kyl, a graduate of the broadcasting school at Mohawk College in Ontario, Canada, made his first visit to the AAU tournament, providing plenty of levity on and off-the-air. We’re working on arrangements to have Kyle on hand to broadcast at the Red Rock Tournament in May. He is a natural behind the mike, and judging from the bag of email received, a favorite with the listeners. Not shown in the photos, is Bill Hillhouse who did a outstanding job as color man on the semi-final game on Sunday. Bill brings a wealth of knowledge of the game and the players (plus some juicy rumors) to the broadcasts and we hope to have him with the crew again before the season is over. The addition of Joe, Kyle and Bill to Ballparkradio’s AAU broadcast team enabled us to broadcast twice as many games as in prior years (a total of 8 games this year). We greatly appreciate their work.

And last, but anything but least, also not shown in these photo galleries, but appreciated by players and fans alike is the photographer that brought you over 300 photographs of the 2007 AAU Tournament, Maddy Flanagan. I am biased, of course, but I think this year’s batch of photos are her best work to date. Though “only” 300 appear here in the online galleries, she took just under 5000 photos during the three day tournament. I’m not sure where she finds the energy sometimes, but she is on the field from the first pitch to the last out, to capture all of the action, the players, the coaches, the staff, and the fans.

In her own words:

“I hope with my photos that you can see the game the way I see it. The way I have learned to love it.”

I only wish that all of you could have seen the 5000-photo slide show that I got to see on the world’s largest monitor (Maddy’s) . The triptych’s that you’ll see shortly convey some of the action-sequences, but watching them flash quickly on the monitor, is almost like seeing a movie of the action. Players sliding in, the dust flying up, the tag being applied, the umpire’s emphatic call, followed by the players’ reactions. Spectacular.

It looks like Softball Magazine will once again be carrying our feature story on the AAU tournament, along with some of Maddy’s photos, so watch for that when the magazine hits the newstands sometime early next month. This will mark the fourth year they are including full color coverage of the AAU International tournament.

We wanted to say thanks to all who sent emails to Maddy about the photos, including those providing picture ID’s. We’ll be adding those now, so at some point, you’ll be able to “mouse over” and see the name(s) of the people in the photos. Please keep those emails coming, by the way. This is the first time that we posted the photos one gallery at a time, rather than all at once. I’ll be curious to hear if our readers liked that approach.

Well, since you’re all used to finding new photos here every night……no point in stopping now. Keep an eye out for those “bonus” shots, but also a couple of new galleries that Maddy has waiting in the wings, of the USA Jr. Men’s training camp, held in Chula Vista, California the weekend after the AAU concluded. Some great shots of the future of the game. “Stay tuned”.

p.s. In case you were wondering which photo is getting the most email, it’s got to be this one. And with all due respect to the St. Thomas Storm team, I don’t think it’s you, guys. 😉

8th Annual Red Rock Tournament – May 5-6, 2007 at St. George, Utah

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

Editor’s note: This post on Red Rock from earlier in the week has been revised, and therefore, bumped to the top for today’s date, February 7, 2007. Two main items added below.

1) a list of teams entered in the tournament so far and a heads up to teams that the 16 slots are filling up fast — and has been full the last four years. (Don’t be the 17th team that gets turned away – act now while there is still time to get in). Be on the radio — not home listening to the games.
2) If you’re booking rooms for the Crystal Inn, note that there are two different numbers to call — one if you’re booking only one or two rooms, and a direct line if you’re booking more than two rooms.

Click photo above for panoramic shot of the beautiful Canyons Complex. (if it does not “shrink to fit” in your browser, right mouse click, then choose “view image”. )
TOURNAMENT DATES: May 5 and 6, 2007

ENTRY DEADLINE: March 1, 2007
FORMAT: Round Robin into single elimination.

Payable to:
Roy Stout
P.O. Box 812
Lake Hughes, CA 93532

We are looking for a 16 team tournament again this year as there were 16 teams in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.


Teams that are confirmed or that we are currently processing:

Gremlins/Broken Bow
So Cal Bombers
California Lumberkings
Larry Miller Hogs
Houston Aces
Team Minnesota
Santa Rosa

Many other teams have requested further information this week. (Feb. 7). We anticipate filling the tournament for the fifth straight year. (more…)

Team Website – St. Paul Brewers, MN

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

Fastpitchwest welcomes another team to our “Teams” Page, the Brewers of St. Paul, Minnesota. Click here to visit the Brewer’s website.

If your team’s website isn’t listed on our “Teams” page, send us a link and we’d be happy to include you. If your team doesn’t have its own website, send us a roster and/or schedule and we’ll create a page for you, here at Fastpitchwest. (or see the information at the bottom of our “Teams” page, about the free “” websites available, which are used by a number of teams, including the Long Beach Black Sox.

ISC Introduces New Roster & Team Registration Process

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

August 6, 2007 Final Deadline for ISC/ISCII Rosters

In a continuing effort to streamline our overall operation and at the same time, reduce both expense and volunteer requirements for tournament hosts, beginning in 2007 the ISC will implement a new team roster and team registration process at the World Tournament and ISC II Tournament of Champions.

The former 3-part roster form is being eliminated and replaced with a single copy form that is available on line or will be email attached to those requesting it. The new form is currently displayed at Click on Rules & Forms in the left margin of front page. You can save this form, to your computer, from the web site display.

For both World Tournament and ISC II teams, the roster form must be submitted three times per season; May 1, July 15 and the Monday preceding the start of the ISC World Tournament. In 2007, this final date is August 6.

The May 1 date is a “preliminary” roster and a mandatory PRAWN declaration date for those teams having PRAWN players. May 1 will also continue being the due date for Out of Region (formerly Out of Area) player forms.

July 15 is the deadline for rosters to be in the hands of the championship tournaments host for use in the printed tournament program.

August 6 will be the final deadline for rosters used in the 2007 World Tournament and ISC II Tournament of Champions.

All rosters are to be emailed to the appropriate Statisticians whose addresses appear on the roster form itself.

The overall process involves each team “saving” their first roster on their computer. Then as subsequent due dates arrive, only changes need to be made to the saved form.

This process will eliminate the need for the former Team Registration ordeal on the Friday morning preceding the start of the World Tournament. The mandatory team manager meeting will still be held at 12 noon on the beginning Friday. Outside the manager meeting room, tables will be set up for distribution of materials for each team. Player and immediate family member tournament passes will be distributed based on the August 6 roster submission. This distribution process will begin around 10 AM and continue until after the manager meeting concludes. ISC personnel, Umpires, Hall of Fame inductees and others requiring credentials will also pick up outside the manager meeting room.

The Statisticians will also be available during this distribution process, to make any last minute roster changes.

For ISC II, the above process will be used but the manager meeting and credentials distribution will take place preceding the start of the ISC II Tournament of Champions. Time and location will be announced later.

To download a copy of the new roster form, click here.

(It’s an Excel file, so choose “save” to save to your computer’s hard drive, or “open” if you want to open it.)

If you don’t have Excel (which is part of Microsoft Office) and don’t want to $pring for it, try the open source freebie, “Open Office”.

Click here to visit the official ISC website page with for Rules and Forms. You’ll find the new 2007 Roster under “Forms”, right at the top.

For those wanting the new roster form via email attachment, email any of the following and request one.

The ISC extends thanks to Bret Baughman, ISC Historian and Assistant Statistician, for his efforts in developing much of the new procedure and roster form.

Are You Getting Blitzed?

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

Feedblitzed, that is. Feeblitz is a free service that will email you a list of new posts to this blog, the “Morning Brief”, right around midnight. Never more than one email per day, and only when new items are added. It’s a great way to stay up on all the latest in the world of Men’s Fastball, and eliminate the surfing back and forth to see if there’s something new.

We’ve posted a sample online, so you can see what it looks like before you sign up. Note the clickable links that can take you right to the post if you want to read the entire piece. It’s like RSS, but simpler, because it comes right to your email inbox.

To sign up, click this link. (then enter your email and click the sign-up button)

And if you’re a fan of the ISC II, there is a similar list for our ISC II blog, “The Deuce”.

Maddy’s 2007 AAU Photos – Gallery 9

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

Well, this makes nine (9) galleries, with one more to go. Home stretch !

Click the camera to view first nine galleries of photos from the 2007 AAU International Tournament, held January 18-21, 2007. Maddy has prepped about 300 photos, so we’ve been posting a gallery every day over the last or so. If you don’t see the team you’re looking for, check back soon, as we have one more gallery to go.

After clicking the camera icon above, click the menu button on left for Gallery 9, or to jump directly to Gallery 9, click here.

This gallery includes some dramatic shots taken at the end of the championship game, including the “Dominican Duo”, Eduardo Perez launching a game tying home run in the 7th inning, and teammate Frank Perez celebrating the game/tournament winning home run that earned him tournament MVP honors.

Following those pics are some odds and ends, and the start of the award winners:

Third Place Team Photos, for the two teams tying for Bronze:
Hallman Twins, Kitchener, ON Canada and the Texaco Pirates, of the Bahamas

Here’s Haziel McDonald accepting the third place hardware from tournament director Alex Linares on behalf of his Texaco Pirates, while Doug Eidt does the honors for the Hallman Twins.

How about this scenic shot?

Mac’s Billy Smith, with the kid that grew up down the street, Frank DeGroat, Jr.. (You were taller then, Billy 😉 )

And finally, three of the men behind the success of the AAU International tournament, (L to R), Alex Linares of the AAU, Ken Hackmeister, and Dick Mason of the ISC.

Tomorrow’s final gallery will feature the rest of the award winners, and a few odds and ends, bringing our Maddy’s Photos of the 2007 AAU to more than 300.

43rd Annual Glowworm Tournament – June 30-July 1, 2007

Tuesday, February 6th, 2007




Team Manager / Sponsor:

It’s that time of the year FASTPITCH SOFTBALL and the RIOS FAMILY is extending our invitation to you on the 43rd Annual Glowworm Tournament. The tournament will be held on June 30th and July 1st , 2007 and will be played at Alva Jo Fisher Softball complex . The tournament is a double elimination and the entry fee is $200.00 and we will only accept cash or money order. The deadline is SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 2006. The tournament rules will be played to the 2007 ASA code.

As President of the Glowworm Athletic Club, I can attest that the success of our 42nd Annual Tournament was definitely memorable.

There were a total of 19 teams that participated in last year’s tournament.

The Glowworm Athletic Club and the RIOS FAMILY want to thank everyone who participating in our tournament last year and keeping FASTPITCH ALIVE.

We hope to hear from you soon!


Ruben Rios, President Phone: (210) 333-0064 cell: (210) 854-6409
Hildebrand Rios III (210) 655-7739
Michael Rios (210) 696-7813 cell: (210) 218-5189
Mario Rios (210) 923-2586 cell: (210) 559-0814
Ceasar Rios (210) 342-1179 ext # 202 cell: (210) 421-7035
Rene Rios (210) 342-1179 ext # 202 cell: (210) 744-4826
David Rios (210) 337-8017 cell: (210) 843-4652


Free Lodging for Bahamas Tournament Winner !

Tuesday, February 6th, 2007

Bahamas Tournament To Be ISC & ISCII Qualifers

Some big news relating to the Bahamas Tournament hosted by the Texaco Pirates May 24-26, 2007 — the winner will get FREE LODGING for the tournament, and the tournament has been approved by the ISC as a qualifer for the ISC World Tournament ands ISC II Tournament of Champions. Need more incentive? How about a chance to play on the field shown in photos below? Think you’ll have a hard time convincing your wife or better half to go to this one? 🙂

Click here for info and to get a look at some spectacular aerial photos of their own private island, Man-O-War Cay. Yes, that is their home field right down on the beach. The fellow that lives in the blue-roofed house on the first base side (see photo) has generously agreed to loan us his internet connection for broadcasting and tournament coverage. Don’t miss this one! (more…)