Ontario Masters “A” & “B” Championships

From our friend Dave Birnie, via From

[Niagara Falls, Ontario] -Calling all masters teams in Ontario, especially new teams !

The Ontario Masters “A” & “B” Provincial Championships will take place July 18th. 19th. & 20th. in Niagara Falls Ontario at Ker Park. The Ontario Amateur Softball Association ( OASA ) has added a brand new “B” division for this year. This new division was created to allow teams
to compete that normally don’t attend the Ontario Masters Championship tournament. Some
masters players / teams just aren’t quite able to compete with the elite level masters
teams. The upper level masters teams consist of several players who are still playing at a very high level with. There are tons of masters teams in Ontario that no longer attend or refuse to come to the Ontario Masters Championship because as they say ” why do I want to bring my team and get embarrassed by an all star team with a bunch of “ringer” players?” These teams now have their own “B” division to play in against other teams of the same caliber.

The new Masters “B” division has strict eligibility rules in place to ensure any “B” division teams
will be competing against teams of the same caliber. Click the following link to view these new eligibility rules :


What better way to spend a weekend then by playing fastball in Niagara Falls, why not get a team together for this new Masters “B” division. Need information ? Don’t know where to start ? Don’t know how to affiliate with the OASA ? Age & Eligibility rules ? Check out the Ontario Amateur Softball Association web site : http://www.oasa.ca/

Lots of masters fastball information can be found on the Ontario Masters Fastball web site.
Ontario Masters Fastball web site:


Still have questions ? Contact me directly and I will gladly offer any assistance I can.
Dave Birnie : ontariomasters(at)hotmail(dot)com
Home : 905-573-9637
( evenings only please )

If you are a master’s team looking for a few players or an individual player looking to join a team, try posting your information on the GHFL Forum “Masters” page . Click the following link:
http://ghfl.ca/forum/viewforum.php?f=8 Then scroll down until you see the heading ” Looking for a masters player or team ?” You have to register to post on this Forum but registering is a snap.

Yours in Sport
Dave Birnie
Web Site Administrator
Ontario Masters Fastball
Web Site : http://eteamz.active.com/omf/
E-mail : ontariomasters(at)hotmail(dot)com

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