Notice from Fastpitchwest to All Teams Heading to World and National Tournaments

Good luck to all of you who are headed to World and National tournaments this month and next. Fastpitchwest invites you to tell the world how you’re doing (or how you did) by posting information to our “World and Nationals” section of the Fastpitchwest Forum.

Please use the year and tournament as your subject line of the post so people know where to post. E.g. “2006 ISC II Tournament of Champions”, or ‘2006 NAFA “AA” World Series”, or “2006 ASA “B” Nationals”. (please post under the tournament name)

We’re happy to post information that you send to us, but you don’t have to wait for us — you can do it yourself. If you’re not a member of the forum yet, the sign up is quick and easy–just a login name and password. We’ve put the activation for new members on “manual” due to spammers. (After you sign up, I suggest sending an email to jim (at) with your log in name, and say “activate me”.)

Post a note today and tell us your team name, and which tournament(s) you’re going to!

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