Speaking of Illinois…..

Speaking of the great state of Illinois, a belated welcome from Fastpitchwest to the members of the Illinois section of the Fastpitchwest Forum. . We are honored to host the board members from the former www.ilfastpitch.com board, here at Fastpitchwest, and say “welcome”.

www.ilfastpitch.com was developed and hosted by Brian Tobin, who did an outstanding job of providing a place on the internet for this region of the country. With Brian’s assistance, we are happy to welcome Illinois to the FPW Forum. As you can see from the postings there, fastpitch is alive and well in the Illinois region, and on their forum board. Its members are among the most frequent posters to the entire Forum, so it’s a great place to catch up on all the action in that part of the country.

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