Player Eligibility Issues at ASA “A” and “C” Nationals ?

There is an interesting discussion going on in the “A” National section of the Illionois forum. , concerning player eligibility issues at the ASA “A” and “C” Nationals. According to one poster, teams were told by ASA that players who competed in the ASA Major would not be permitted to play in the ASA “A”. However, word is that one player who competed in the ASA Major — and made All American, no less, is being permitted to compete in the ASA “C” Nationals. Go figure. As Illinois/FPW forum poster Steve66 put it:

“So I guess Brad Johnson that was an All American at the ASA Major can’t play in the A Major with Nakomis but will be allowed to play with with Florida Fastpitch in the C National…that is messed up”

(Last year, it was ISC World Tournament Super Pool player Darren Zechman winning the ASA “C” Most Valuable Player award. Two years prior, it was ISC World Tournament player Sonny Perkins winning the ASA “C” National MVP.)

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