Update from ASA “A” Nationals – Sat morning

Almost Elite 8 at ASA “A” Nationals at Decatur, IL

Remaining Teams, Saturday, Sept 2

Winner’s Bracket (4)
Reasonor, RPM’s IA
New Image, WI
Ashland Merchants, OH

Loser’s Bracket (5)
Cerro Gordo
Rice Creek, MI
Villa Grove
Either Nokomis or The Freight (game underway)

Saturday Morning Results
(Winner’s Bracket Quarterfinals)
Reasonor RPM’s, IA, 1-0 over Nokomis
New Image, 2-0 over Brandts
Rudd’s, 6-4 over Mt. Zion
Ashland Merchants, 4-3 over Pete’s Blues

(Losers Bracket Games – Losers Eliminated)
Cerro Gordo, 6-5 over Pete’s Blues
Rice Creek, MI, 7-4 over Mt. Zion
Villa Grove, 1-0 over Brandts
Nokomis and The Freight, no result yet

* For those who like to follow such things, New Image WI is the 2006 NAFA “AA” champion, Cerro Gordo, the 2006 NAFA “A-Major” champion, while Ashland OH and Rice Creek MI competed in the ISC II. Ashland OH was an Elite 8 team at the ISC II, while Rice Creek MI made the playoff round of 24. “Rosters may vary” 🙂

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