Red Rock Panoramic Photo

Here is a panoramic photo from the Red Rock Tournament.. The home plate umpire on this diamond can be excused for missing a call or two, wouldn’t you say?

It’s actually three photos in one, that Maddy “stitched” together electronically. Your browser should “shrink to fit” the photo so you get the panoramic effect, or let you view it large. It’s a very large hi-resolution image, so for you dial-up folks, it make take a bit longer to load.

Most have been able to view the photo in “shrink to fit” mode. For Firefox users, clicking the mouse on the photo will enlarge/shrink. If not, right mouse click, then “view” and it will shrink to fit.

Red Rock is still one of those places that you have to see in person to fully appreciate, but this photo captures more of its majesty than most regular photos can.

We have a second one, but have to clear some room on the site before we can upload. The rest of the regular photo galleries should be up soon, so keep an eye out.

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