Maddy’s 2007 Red Rock Photo Slideshow

Maddy has been experimenting with some new software and has come up with something we hope you enjoy – a “flash” slideshow of her Red Rock Tournament photos, all 203 that were selected for web display.

You’ll note that there are several ways you can view them. Click the word View” in the upper left of the screen to choose whether you want to view the slideshow or as a regular photo gallery. Personally, I like to sit back and watch the slideshow. You can see what each button is for by “mousing over” them. The one in the middle is to play the slide show, the little ones to either side are to go forwards or backwards. Another nice feature is that you can see the number of the photo right next to it, in case you want to tell a friend to look at a particular photo.

You can make the photo larger by clicking the little “TV screen” icon on the lower left to get rid of the thumbnails.

There is also a “slider” at the bottom to fast forward or rewind (and you can resume the slideshow after the jump)

The only thing I don’t like is that the photos seem a bit small, at least by comparison to the galleries we usually do. Not to worry, we’ll post those soon, so you’ll be able to see the full size photos. I should mention that this new slideshow takes up as tremendous amount of hard drive space on the server, so I won’t be able to leave it up too long. So if you want to watch it, watch it this week.

I’ll be interested in feedback from all of you about the slideshow and new software, so if you have time, drop us a line. Send comments to jim (at) fastpitchwest (dot) com. (Let me know how long it takes to load on your computer, and what type of connection you have, e.g. dial-up, cable, T1, etc.)

And if you have a comment about the photos in general, drop Maddy a line, maddy (at) maddysphotos (dot) com, so she knows her hard work is worth the effort and expense.

Click here to view the slideshow

(If the slideshow freezes, just click the little “forward” button to nudge it along, as the software is tempermental at times.)

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