Archibald prepared for Jr. Men’s tryout camp

(Another player profile from Pat Healey, Marketing Consultant, ISF 2005 Jr. Men’s World Softball Championships, which run from June 24-July 3, 2005 on Prince Edward Island)

ASPEN, N.S. – Donnelly Archibald is going to be one busy athlete this summer. Between playing ball with the Nova Scotia Canada Games softball team, trying out for the Canadian Jr. Men’s team and preparing for camp in August with the Gatineau Olympiques of the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, Archibald isn’t going to have any spare time. But that’s just how the 17-year-old St. Mary’s Academy student likes it. Archibald is one of five Nova Scotians selected to the Canadian Jr. Men’s team tryout camp at the University of Waterloo to make the team that will compete at the ISF 2005 Jr. Men’s World Softball Championship June 24 to July 3 in Summerside. “I like to know exactly what I am doing and when,” the Aspen, N.S. resident. “I’m excited for this chance to represent my country (if I make the team) at such an international event that will be close to home.”

Others include P.E.I. Rocket forward Tyler Hawes of Popes Harbour; Marine Drive Hitmen’s Cory Avery of Larry’s River; Bobby Sill of Birch Hill, near Brookfield and Steve Thomas of Hardwoodlands. “I think it’s great and an honour to have been selected to the camp,” he added. “Hopefully we can bring home the gold, especially if I make the team.” Archibald pitched with the Marine Drive Hitmen (N.S.) at the 2004 Canadian Midget Boy’s Fast Pitch Nationals in Summerside and Alberton. He thinks that is where the majority of the team was scouted. The hard throwing right-hander is also involved in volleyball and golf and has awards for Outstanding Junior Male Athlete and Highest Academic

Standing Senior Male by St. Mary’s Academy in Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia. He played Major Midget hockey the past two winters with the Pictou County Weeks Construction of the Nova Scotia Major Midget Hockey League. Archibald doesn’t expect getting a spot on the final roster will be easy for anyone, especially on the slab as a pitcher. “I’ll have to be at my best to even make the squad,” he said. The excitement was clear in Archibald’s voice with just over a month to go before the team meets for a five day camp at the University of Waterloo from June 10-15 before moving to Greenwood, N.S. for six days of training before the world championship in Summerside. “I’m expecting the crowds to be huge, especially for the games where Canada plays,” he added. ”

My family is planning on going over if I am lucky enough to make the team.” He will be training for hockey and ball at the same time, and the Canada Games overlaps into the training camp for the Olympiques, as well. He also is going to work on the side with his father cutting pulp wood, so Donnelly says he can “work whenever I have a spare minute or two.” “It was a shock,” he said, recalling when he found out he had been selected. “I didn’t even know they were considering me for the team.”

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