Z & Piechnik to Be Honored at Vancouver Challenge

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Vancouver, BC

Two of Canada’s all-time greatest pitchers will be playing in the Vancouver Challenge, set for July 27-29, and they will be honoured in a special ceremony immediately prior to the 4:30 p.m. game between Horse Lake Alberta and So Cal Bombers on Saturday, July 28. Darren Zack first rose to prominence while starring for the Vancouver Magicians from 1990-92, and as we all know went on to rewrite the record books while playing for several eastern teams, including Toronto Gators and Tampa Bay Smokers. Mike Piechnik hails from Victoria BC and has thrown countless gems at South Memorial Park, where the event will take place, for such teams as Victoria Payless, Broken Bow, and more recently Portland DeMarini.

We look forward to paying tribute to these two phenomenal pitchers and outstanding ambassadors for the game.

Conrad Margolis
Vancouver Grey Sox

Editor’s note:
I first saw Piechnik pitch at my first ISC World Tournament, in Kimberly in 1989, in an extra inning marathon against Peter Meredith. Piechnik was pitching for The Farm, while Peter Meredith was with Trans-Aire. A year late, our Vista Bombers were in Victoria, BC for the 1990 ISC World, Zack’s first with the Vancouver Magicians. If memory serves me, the Magicians finished 4th that year behind Zack. Nearly two decades later, they are both pitching at the highest level of the game. Remarkable.

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