SCIFL Manager’s Meeting – Jan 12

From the SCIFL website:


As we prepare for the second season of SCIFL play, the next managers meeting will be held on January 12, 2008 in Whittier. The location is Fernie’s house located 8748 Nogal, Whittier.

The meeting will start promptly at 10:00 AM. We will have a full slate of information to discuss so please be on time. You can RSVP to rmh323 ( at ) This meeting is open to all managers and players of the league.

The minutes from the previous meeting can be located here and the tentative schedule for the 2008 season can be located here.

2007 proved to be an exciting year and the league was able to exceed the goals that of the Executive Board. In 2008 there will be new goals to achieve and hopefully surpass as we lose the restraints of being new and taken charge of our future.

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