Add Another To the Unfriendly Skies We Fly

Northwest Airlines has joined the parade of carriers that will charge for checked baggage.

The airline, which has hubs in Detroit, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Memphis, Tokyo and Amsterdam, announced the $15 charge today. It takes effect for any tickets purchased starting Thursday, July 10, and applies to travel that begins Aug. 28 and thereafter.

Northwest also will begin charging for frequent-flier tickets: $25 for domestic tickets, $50 for trans-Atlantic and $100 for trans-Pacific flights. The airline also plans to cut 2,500 jobs.

Northwest joins American and United airlines and US Airways in imposing the fee.

Northwest President Doug Steenland, in a media statement, cited energy costs as the reason for the fee, calling the fuel issue “unprecedented.”

The airline also will increase its ticket change fee from $100 to $150.

Editor’s note: $25-50-100 for frequent flier tickets? Uh, thank you for your loyalty, that will be $25-50-100 for the privilege. Audacity, thy name is Northwest Airlines. If you’re buying a ticket on Northwest to Kimberly, note that the change goes into effect tomorrow. Be sure to check the date of purchase on your tickets — they can’t charge you retroactively, though United Airlines tried on my last flight. Flyers beware.

An unpaid advertisement for an airline that DOESN’T charge by the bag:

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