Bonus Broadcast – Today at 11am Central added TNT, PA vs. River City Rockers

Update: This “bonus coverage” broadcast has been confirmed — LOGIN THROUGH THE BLUE BUTTON AT

11:00 AM – ALTERNATE CHANNEL (tentative) *****

First-round game:
B4 vs G3
South Lebanon TNT vs River City Rockers

Here’s what ISC II Commish Blair Setford had to say about this one:

Setting up the first round of games on Tuesday morning, the best match-up is B4 vs G3 – TNT vs River City Rockers. Either the defending champions, who have struggled at the plate, or the team with one of the top 3 pitchers in the tournament will be headed home after this one. Wow.

Be sure to note – this broadcast on Ballparkradio Channel 2 – “Two on Blue” — look for the blue button at the bottom of

or right here:

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