California Teams Fight for Survival at ISC World Tournament

Rainey at 11am central, Bombers at 10pm Thursday

California’s two teams at the ISC World Tournament have 2 and 1 records and will fight for survival today at the double elimination event. The So Cal A-1 Casa Trejo Bombers won their first two games, before falling to Patsy’s last night, 13-2 in a home run laden game, will wait until 10pm Central time (8pm California time) for their opponent — which would wind up being local rival Team Rainey, should Rainey win two earlier games Thursday.

Team Rainey plays this morning, Thursday, August 14th at 11am central time against Circle Tap of Denmark, Wisconsin. Rainey is currently 2-1, and will need to win three games on Thursday to stay alive in the double elimination event. Should they win their first two games, they would face the So Cal Bombers at 10pm Central time tonight.

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