Passing of Kalie Basto

We regret to report the passing of Kalie Basto, 13 year old daughter of Flor de Cana (FDC) outfielder Claudio Basto. We offer our condolences and know that your support at this difficult time is appreciated by the Basto family.

More details about Kalie at the Flor de Cana team website:

Kalie Alieen Basto
(August 09, 1995 – August 27, 2008)

It is with great sorrow that we report the passing of Kalie Basto, 13 year old daughter of former Flor de Caña (FDC) outfielder Claudio Basto. Kalie was a frequent visitor of the ball park and she will be remembered for her warm smile. It was always touching to see the way she rooted the team during rallies and how proudly she cheered her dad’s accomplishments on the field.

Shortly after her 13th birthday, Kalie was taken to Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena, CA enduring of severe headaches and pain. She was diagnosed with viral meningitis, inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord, known collectively as the meninges. Kalie was discharged by doctors on August 18, 2008 and prescribed medications. Presumably the medications would assist her in withstanding the effects of the meningitis and she would be back in the routines of a healthy 13 year old.

After a brief period of improvement, Kalie continued to suffer from head aches and excruciating pain. On the morning of August 26, 2008, the Basto family diligently returned to Huntington Memorial to seek professional medical attention for Kalie. While at the hospital, Kalie fell into a coma as a result of the swelling around her brain. In rapid succession, Kalie’s vital organs began shutting down. Kalie tragically passed at 10:44 PM in Huntington Memorial’s Room 44. Those familiar with Claudio know #44 has been his number on every team since youth. Even in her passing, Kalie is Daddy’s little girl.

Huntington Memorial medical staff has speculated that the meningitis type may have been “bacterial” as opposed to “viral”. At present, the hospital is still inconclusive regarding the cause of death. The Basto family is working with an independent pathologist to get understanding and closure.

Kalie is survived by a loving family that includes parents Claudio and Marisol, sisters Lesley and Clarissa, and brother, Claudio Jr. Kalie will be missed and remembered by all who had the pleasure of knowing her. The FDC family extends condolences, thoughts, and prayers to the Bastos. They will always be a part of our family.

Donations would be greatly appreciated by the Basto family to assist with the independent tests, medical bills, and funeral services for Kalie. Any support is greatly appreciated as the family is in need. A list of donors’ names will be maintained on our website (unless requested otherwise) to show appreciation to those supporting Kalie and the Basto family.

Please send donations in the form of checks:

Claudio Basto
2908 E. Quincy Ave
Orange, CA 92867

Message from Claudio Basto to the Fastpitch Softball Community:

Thanks to everybody. We love you all. We understand that not everyone can send money. Times are tight. The most important thing is your thoughts and prayers. Thank you to everybody who has shown love to our family during this difficult time.

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