September Classic, Grass Valley, CA

From our friend Mike Milligan:

Howdy Fastballers,

It’s nearing time for the Fastpitch September Classic to be held at Les Eva Field on September 27th and 28th. I would like to invite teams of all levels to come play in this wrap up of the 2008 season. We usually end up with mostly “C” teams but again I would love to raise the bar a bit and encourage “B” teams to come also. The entry fee is $350.00. Checks will not be excepted after Sunday the 21st of September. The cash deadline will be Tuesday September 23rd. your game times will be sent out on Wednesday evening. The format is negotiable. Please e-mail back or call if you are interested in playing and at that time please let me know if you would like round robin on sat. and then single elimination on Sunday or if you would like to do a double elimination.

All proceeds will go directly to our local Grass Valley league and a portion of the proceeds may go to benefit a certain 40 year veteran of the Grass Valley fastpitch that is having health problems and is having a hard time paying for much needed medication. Before I divulge this persons identity I need to talk to him directly and make sure it’s ok put his name out there as he is a very proud man and may not want the added attention. This man has played and been a spectator for so long that he is a part of the field and our league. It would be a great if we could help him out in his time of need. Money aside, this is always a very fun and competitive tournament. It’s not Grass Valley Nationals but it is the last chance to win a four foot trophy this year. 2008 was another very successful year for fastpitch here in Grass Valley and in CA in general. We added two more new teams to our league and plan to add two more next year witch would bring our league to 12 mens teams. Not too bad for little old G.V. The uniforms and the breakaway bases that were purchased with money raised from previous tourneys have been a gr eat success not to mention the King and His Court show last year was a blast. These are the things that peak interest in our sport and lure younger players to try it, so lets keep it going guys!!! Please call or e-mail ASAP if you plan to bring a team. Thanks for your time guys!

Mike Milligan (Milli)
A Perfect Game
Toll Free 877-893-3677
470 East Main St.
Grass Valley ca, 95945

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