2008 ISF Jr. World Championships Feature at Softball Magazine in PDF

Available Now in Full Color PDF

(photo: 2008 ISF Jr. Worlds Gold Medal Hero, Drew Faulkner of Australia)

(click logo for official tournament website)

We wrote previously about the Softball Magazine feature story on the ISF Junior World Championships at Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada, “G’day for Gold”

For those who did not receive a copy of the magazine, but wish to read the story and view Maddy’s photos included in the magazine, we have posted the full-color PDF file here.

It’s a very large file, (almost a meg) so please be patient while it downloads to your computer. Adobe Reader required to open the file. Don’t have Adobe Reader? Download it by clicking here.

Editor’s note:

Softball Magazine, dubbed the “Sports Illustrated of Softball” is available by subscription, and now also at a variety of newstands and bookstores across the country, including some Borders, Barnes & Noble, Waldens, Michael’s, and all of the Books-A-Million If you’re not already receiving it, we recommend it to you.

We express our thanks to our friends at Softball Magazine, including Luann Madison and Nancy Robinson, who have been providing great coverage of Men’s Fastpitch since 2004, including feature stories on the AAU, Red Rock, Rose Cup, ISC, ISC II, Bahamas and ISF Junior World tournaments.

You’ll find Softball Magazine on the main menu at Fastpitchwest, permitting our readers to peruse all of the men’s fastpitch features in full-color PDF.

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