New York Bombers Team Website

Thanks to John Dry of the New York Bombers for this info:

(click photo to visit their official team website)(photo above is from the 2008 Elkland Tournament, which they won)

The team is mostly from Cortland, NY, but players range from Buffalo, Oswego, Kingston, Ontario, PA, and and West Virginia, and compete in the New York/PA/Ontario region.

Editor’s note: We have added the NY Bombers to our page of links for team websites. If your team is not listed, and you wish to be, see the link at the bottom of the teams page. You’ll also find links to rosters for all 2008 teams which participated in the ISC World Tournament and ISC II Tournament of Champions.

From the official team website:

The New York Bomber’s are a Men’s Fastpitch Softball Team that consists of mostly players from Central part of New York State, including the Cortland, Buffalo, Olean, and Corning areas. Some other Bomber players travel as far as West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and from Kingston, Ontario Canada to play with the team. The diversity of the players has proven that the game is dwindling in numbers and to find quality fastpitch players the team has had to go outside the region and even the US to find quality players that will commit to play the game.

The Bomber’s compete in New York, Pennsylvania and Ontario Canada regions and most of the tournaments the Bomber’s compete in are ISC 2 level events with all of the Bombers pitchers being classified in that ranking. The Bomber’s have also competed in the NAFA- North American Fastpitch Association and the NSA- National Softball Association level for world and national events in the past.

The 2008 season recap: The Bomber’s finished the season with a 32-6 and competed in 10 tournament events through out the East Region. Unfortunately the Bombers were unable to compete in a National or World tournament event in the ’08 campaign due to budget constraints and also player’s commitments for those dates involved. Hopefully, in ’09, The Bomber’s will have the opportunity to compete in these events.

For the 2008 season The Bomber’s won the following tournaments:

7th Annual May Elkland Round Robin (3-0)
June Cortland, NY Tournament (4-1)
2nd Annual Molly Sherman Memorial Tournament (5-0)
15th Annual Elkland First Weekend tournament (5-0)
Holland Patent, NY Tournament (2-0)
Croghan, NY Tournament (5-0)

With these 6 tournament wins boasted the Bomber’s anticipation for the 2009 campaign. They also competed in the Norwich Ontario Canada tournament and the Mickey Brennan Memorial Tournament in Lackawanna, NY coming away with 3rd place finishes in each of those events. The only event that the Bomber’s didn’t place in was the Prospect Tournament on Labor Day which was an open class tournament event.

The NY Bomber’s had a very successful season and accomplished quite a bit by winning 6 tournaments and placing in 2 more and becoming a recognized team in the north eastern states.

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