Kitchener to Host 2011 ISC World Tournament and ISCII T of C

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The International Softball Congress (ISC) is pleased to announce that Kitchener, ON will host the 2011 ISC World Tournament and ISC II Tournament of Champions.

Normally, bidding for the 2011 tournaments would occur during the ISC Board of Director meeting in August in Quad Cities. However, we have talked to each prospective host city for 2011 and all have withdrawn except Kitchener. It was therefore decided we would award the 2011 tournaments early, to allow Kitchener maximum time to plan and prepare.

Peter Hallman Ballyard

Kitchener has successfully hosted 3-prior ISC World and ISC II tournaments in 2002, 2006 & 2007 and we have every confidence their 2011 tournaments will be equally successful.

It is expected that Duncan Matheson will again serve as tournament director for the World Tournament and Rick Boyd as tournament director for the ISC II Tournament of Champions.

The contract with Kitchener will be signed later this summer after the Midland contract for 2010 is signed.

Ken Hackmeister
Executive Director


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