Of Fastball and Life….some thoughts from Michael Groves

“Fastball. Fastpitch. It’s hard to explain, some people say, how the game gets hold of you. But I always say, nah mon……it’s not hard to explain at all. Anyone who has a competitive bone in his body, and passion, and an understanding of this thing called Life……..they get it. They know. Deep down, in the gut, they know. Even as winter sweeps over the North American landscape, they intuitively understand. You step back and you close your eyes and you remember and you know……..you do know………”- Michael Groves

Courtesy of Al’s Fastball, we share some thoughts from the pen of Michael Groves. About fastball, and a bit more about life.

For those readers who may not know Michael, he was the player, manager, GM, sponsor for the Fedlock Falcons, a top ISC World Tournament team which shuttered operations a year ago. Outspoken at times, thought provoking at others, his writings never disappoint.

If you can make the time, read it. Read it all. There is no one that says it quite like Michael.

(Click link to read):

“Choice, not chance, determines one’s destiny…….”

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