Vancouver Grey Sox sign Kevin Bobroske for 2006 Season

The Vancouver Grey Sox are pleased to announce the signing of infielder/designated player Kevin Bobroske for the 2006 season.

Bobroske a resident of Victoria, BC is a proven consistent long ball threat at the Open Mens level, and is expected to provide the Grey Sox with offensive spark in the heart of the team’s batting order. In 2005 Bobroske was a member of the Victoria Central Nine squad which captured the BC and Western Canadian Senior B Championships. Prior to this Bobroske was a key member of past perennial top quality Victoria open level teams including Travellers Inn, Strathcona Hotel Legends and Payless.

Grey Sox Field Manager John Stuart commented on the signing. “I am very excited with the addition of Kevin to our line up, and look forward to having him in a Grey Sox uniform. His veteran leadership and proven abilities will give us added stability and depth in our line up”.

Larry Kancs, President
Vancouver Grey Sox

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