Fastball News on Your Cell Phone or PDA

If you have a cell phone or PDA that connects to the internet, you can read our blogs, the “Morning Brief” and “The Deuce”, Ballparkradio,, along with everyone’s favorite, Al’s Fastball, and more on pages which are optimized for small screen viewing, with a minimum of graphics for quick loading. Using your web-ready phone or PDA, just log into:

For a peek at what the pages look like, click the link above, then any of the links on the “PDA page”. The specially designed pages make small screen viewing a breeze. You can access this page by clicking the “Resources” button on our main menu, or just adding “/pda.htm” to our regular URL. Choose “no pics” link on the PDA page for quicker loading.

If you are one of those folks still using a dial up connection, these links work great for you too, especially the “no pics” versions.

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