Orillia Riversharks Introduce Themselves

From Al’s Fastball: Orillia Riversharks Introduce Themselves

An Introduction to the ISC World’s Newest Team for 2006, from Peter Porcelli

So let’s start with answering a question…..Just What the heck is a Rivershark? It is an oxymoron, that’s what it is. If you were expecting a physical description, start with pitching. Frank Cox, Robbie O’Brien and Mike White, that’s right Michael White, The (Gulp) “Great White” will comprise our pitching staff. That’s right, nobody has beaten me to the “Great White” Pun. When you think of it, why did it take so long for that comparison to come up? If anyone has left opposing teams in a pool of blood throughout his career, Michael defines the term, “Menacing!”

That leaves Frank Cox as the “Bull Shark.” The bull shark, incidentally, has recorded the highest accumulations for documented “Hits” or Physical attacks on Humans. Kinda makes a batter think a bit when he steps in the box against Frankie and his half-smirk, half grimace.

That means we can turn to Robbie O’Brien as the “Hammerhead.” A hammerhead Shark has those two ends of the hammer, a dual threat. In this case Robbie represents a double threat to his opponents both hitting as DH and throwing, as in “Against you!!!” No other pitchers of the two aforementioned will step in to hit this year.

Editor’s note: Don’t stop here! There is a lot more …..click link above for the whole story.

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