Mike Groves in Hospital

From Al’s Fastball:
Mike Groves in Hospital

Some of you may have heard, but Mike Groves has been hospitalized for the past week in an Arlington, VA hospital. He’s been diagnosed with a disease called Sarcoidosis which manifested in his lungs, caused one to collapse, and has resulted in surgery and blood transfusions over the past few days. I’ve had quite a few messages from him, his spirits are high (I can tell because his notes are getting longer and the vocabulary more robust), and his outlook is positive. He told me that the biopsy that has been done show he does not have cancer. If you’d like to send him an email ( falcon(at)fedlock.com ), he’s trying to catch up when he can. He can’t talk on the phone, but is retrieving his voice messages. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he is recovering. Kyle kbeane8(at)yahoo.com

Editor’s Note: As our regular readers know, Michael is a favorite of ours here at Fastpitchwest.com. He contributes some of the more thoughtful and passionate posts to Al’s Fastball and elsewhere, which always make for good reading. He is someone who appreciates the character of the people involved in the game of mens’ fastball, and exhibits plenty in his own approach to the game. We send along our best wishes to him for a speedy recovery, and ask that you take a moment to drop him a line as well.

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