Marist St Michael Magic – (Rotorua, New Zealand)

From our friend Jason Gerbes, in Rotorua, New Zealand, a link to the team site for his team, the Marist St Michael Magic – (Rotorua, New Zealand We’ve also added thelink at our “Teams” page as well. Does your team have a site or webpage? If you’re not listed on our Teams page and want to be, click that “contact us” link.

Jason and his dad Jim were in Los Angeles on business recently, and managed to squeeze in a trip to Dodger Stadium, with Maddy and I. Jason had never been to a major league baseball game before, but is a big Dodger fan. As you can see from the photo, the Dodgers sent along a nice welcome. (That’s Jason standing, with the Dodger jersey) Jason, his dad and Maddy also wound up on the Diamondvision scoreboard in left field. No telling why they left me off 😉

(click photo to enlarge)

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