[Alsfastball] Eau Claire Classic - Happy Hollow Results

wbseipel at juno.com wbseipel at juno.com
Wed Jun 30 22:37:41 EDT 2004

Eau Claire, WI

Happy Hollow Faspitch of Eau Claire, WI finished a disappointing 1-2 in 
this year's Eau Claire Classic held at Carson Park.

We played the whole weekend with basically one pitcher, Tim Kurtzhals, who 
very admirably took the ball and gave a good chance to play in the playoffs 
on Sunday.

Game #1  Happy Hollow - 4
          Denmark Merchants - 2 (ISC I ranking #33)
Tim Kurtzhals allowed only 4 hits and struck out 12.  Al Gingras led the 
way with a double, homerun, and 2 runs scored.

Game #2  #3 Farm Tavern - 10
          Happy Hollow - 1
The score was not necessarily indicative of the game.  We had a couple 
errors which resulted in some unearned runs and we put runners on base just 
couldn't string together enough hits.  Hollow had the only run against Farm 
in pool play.  Al Gingras had a solo shot for the only run.

Game #3  ISC II #34 PBI - 8
          Happy Hollow - 6
Happy Hollow lead 5-1 going into the 4th inning when a couple walks, 
errors, and hits resulted in a 4 run inning for PBI.  They proceded to 
capitalize on another error in the 7th to take the lead against Tim 
Kurtzhals who was pitching his 3rd game of the weekend.  Hollow had bases 
loaded in the 7th but could only push across 1 run.

I want to establish that I'm not disappointed in the guys who were there 
and battled all weekend.  I'm more disappointed in the people who said 
they'd be there and weren't.

Ty McKinney, pitcher, for the Midland Explorers, was a no show this weekend 
for Happy Hollow.

Bill Seipel
GM - Happy Hollow Fastpitch
mailto:wbseipel at juno.com

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