[Alsfastball] ISC League Games in S. Central IL

john kisilewski radomfalcons at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 30 22:39:43 EDT 2004

      The Belleville Wolfpack (4-1) took a South Central Illinois ISC 
League game win over the Belleville Stallions. Rich Tillitt picked up the 
7-1 win throwing 6 innings, allowing 2 hits and stirking out 6. The 
Wolfpack were led in hitting by Travis Dawson, Denny Fanger and Eddie 
Sherrill all with two hits. Mike Hopkins drove in two runs in the victory. 
Doug Dickman picked up two hits in the loss for the Stallions. Vandalia 
will play Frannys Tavern and Lee's Sports are playing the Stallions this 
Wednesday night in league play.

      Over the weekend the travel league teams fared well with the Nokomis 
Bud Light and Vandalia Frieght picking up two wins in the Altamont 4th of 
July tournament. These teams will play each other saturday afternoon in the 
two weekend tourney at 3pm. The Beavers, Franny's and Lee's Sports all went 
1-1 and advanced to next weekend also.

John Kiselewski
Lee's Sports Falcons
Radom, Illinois
Mailto:radomfalcons at yahoo.com

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