[Alsfastball] OASA Junior Elim results seriously in error?

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Jul 3 23:26:36 EDT 2004


Saturday night, July 3

A fan writes:

The results from the OASA Junior Elims are seriously wrong:

How should we take these seriously when two of the first three scores and 
three of the six (half!) are wrong ... Rob Fawcett pitches for Chepstow, 
Blake Orr and Jeff Wilson pitch for Scarboro; Chris Delgarno & Joe German 
(not Jermaine)  pitch for Stouffville. Either the scores are wrong or the 
winning and losing pitchers are wrong ...


NOTE:  we have written the source of the info for verification but no 
response as yet.

No results on the OASA link:  http://www.oasa.ca/Draw3.htm

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