[Alsfastball] PRESS RELEASE - Canadian Masters Fastball Championship

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Jul 6 16:25:56 EDT 2004

From: "Dave Birnie" <ranger11 at idirect.com>
To: "Al Doran" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 16:17:35 -0400
Subject: PRESS RELEASE - Canadian Masters Fastball Championship

Media Release
For immediate release
July 06 / 2004

2004 Canadian Masters Fastball Championship Update.

( Cobourg, Ont. ) The Canadian Masters Fastball Association are pleased to
make the following announcements.

Canadian Masters Fastball Championship - Convener

Bernie Pollock has agreed to come on board as convener for the 2004 Canadian
Masters Fastball Championship.

Western Canada Rep.

Brian Meier from Alberta will act as Western Canada Rep. for the Canadian
Masters Fastball Association.
Teams from Western Canada are encouraged to contact Brian at
Brian.Meier at gov.calgary.ab.ca

Automatic Berths ( 3 )

Colborne Rutherflo Masters have been awarded an automatic berth as host
Oshawa Winchester Arms Ravens ( formerly Mickey Finns ) have been awarded an
automatic berth as 2003 Ontario Champions.
Stoney Creek Gators have been awarded an automatic berth as 2002 Ontario &
Eastern Canadian Champions.
All 3 teams will have to compete in their provincial tournament this year to
be eligible.
With the announcement of these 3 automatic berths along with the 5 berths
still available for Ontario through the O.A.S.A.
Provincial tournament there will be 8 Ontario teams eligible for the
Canadian Masters Fastball Championship.

Masters teams from Western / Eastern Canada please start making plans to
attend the 2004 Canadian Masters Fastball
Championship in Cobourg Ontario. The tournament runs from Friday Sep. 3rd.
through Sunday Sep 5th. with Monday
Sep. 6th set aside for rain out make up games.

Who knows what the future holds, this tournament could be a once in a
lifetime chance for you and your team to ever attend a
Canadian Championship.

Canadian Masters Fastball Association Executive

Wayne Wells - President
wwells39 at cogeco.ca

Dave Birnie - Vice President
ranger11 at idirect.com

Alex Rutherford - Treasurer
rutherfordfinancial at bellnet.ca

Sylvia Ryan - Secretary
sylvia.ryan at rogers.com

Brian Meier - Western Canada Rep.
Brian.Meier at gov.calgary.ab.ca


Dave Birnie
Vice President
Canadian Masters Fastball Association
mailto:ranger11 at idirect.com

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