[Alsfastball] Update on eScribe fastball archives - for our AOL subscribers

Al Doran fastball at pmihrm.com
Tue Jul 6 17:37:34 EDT 2004

We check eScribe every few hours and we have had some updates from the 
people who own eScribe.

They have lost their main server, after just recently also loosing their 
main hard drive. They have purchased all new equipment and are in the 
process of coping millions of archived items over to the new equipment. 
This takes time so please have patience.

Thanks to our good friend Jim Flanagan we have a temporary site to display 
Al's Fastball News, just visit

Be sure to also visit Jim's great Fastpitch site at: 

IF you receive this email today, its no thanks to AOL.COM. That ISP is 
still blocking about 95% of all mail we try to send to our AOL subscribers. 
Luckily several of them have seen the light and dumped those loosers and 
moved to a real ISP.

When we are connected to the internet via our normal high speed connection 
at sympatico.ca, AOL blocks almost all of our mail, siting some mickey 
mouse black list they have sympatico on. Maybe they just don't like 
Canadians at aol.com - they have done dumber things.

Today for just a few minutes, we are connected to the Internet via a dial 
up connection to Allstream.net - which so far does not appear to be on 
AOL's black list.  But this is too slow for us to work with permanently so 
we will not be doing this very often.

So our apologies for the lack of news to you recently, but talk to AOL 
about it. They are the ones who black list well known ISP's like 
Sympatico.  If they don't fix it, we strongly recommend you go and fine a 
real ISP, there are lots out there, in spite what the idiots at AOL will 
try and tell you.

All the best,


  Als Fastball List
*Email: fastball at pmihrm.com
NEWS: http://www.escribe.com/sports/alsfastball/  

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