[Alsfastball] LV Hitmen to host Kansas Mobil Homes

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Jul 8 23:36:55 EDT 2004

Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2004 20:51:43 -0400
From: LVhitmen22 at cs.com
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: LV Hitmen to host Kansas Mobil Homes

           The Las Vegas Hitmen are returning to the fastpitch diamond next 
Tuesday and Wednesday, July 13 and 14th for the first time since their 9th 
place finish at the 2002 NAFA " A " World Series to entertain their 
visitors from the Jayhawk State, Kansas Mobil Homes.
           The games will take place at the Hitmen' home diamond, Cheyenne 
Sports Complex on Diamond 4. Unfortunately, the only mens' fastpitch 
diamond in the Southern Nevada area recently received a facelift when the 
City of North Las Vegas Parks Department moved the 260 ft. fences back to 295'.
           Several former Hitmen players will return, Dan Harbison at 
catcher, pitcher Rich Wood, first basemen Ken Crawford and David Bell, both 
of whom will see time in the circle, shortstop Gordie Mark, Craig Brown at 
third, Joe Zele in left and center, and Billy Wilson in right. The team is 
looking forward to some addition help in veterans Joey Wilkerson at second, 
and Chad Hardesty in center. Hardesty will also see some time throwing. 
There will be another spot or two filled by the end of the week for someone 
willing to spot play in a utility position.
           The Hitmen look forward to hosting the Kansas Mobil Homes team 
prior to their upcoming weekend in California. Hopefully, some other teams 
will take notice and decide on a trip to Vegas for an exhibition series, or 
for the "Keith Bayne Memorial Fastpitch Challenge" this October 30 - 31st.

David Bell
Las Vegas Hitmen, GM.
NAFA Director for Nevada
mail to: LVHitmen22 at cs.com
website: www.eteamz.com/lasvegashitmen

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