[Alsfastball] Boys Of Summer

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Jul 10 08:55:56 EDT 2004

From: "Hank DeWild" <hdewild at milwpc.com>
To: "Al Doran" <Fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: Boys Of Summer
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2004 01:12:01 -0500

Boys Of Summer
July 9-11, 2004
At Circle Tap and Denmark Memorial Park WI

Game 1 At CT
Bar On The Avenue 3
Circle Tap .............6
LP Mike Roberts
WP Rob O'Brien
Game 2 At DMP
Denmark Merchants 2
The Bull / Townline...9
LP Rick Thompson
WP Jaun Portoluccio
Game 3 At CT
County Materials 12
CT Lumberjacks....1
WP Darren Zack
LP Scott Bortolini
Game 4 At DMP
No Results
Game 5 At CT
The Farm.....4
LP Rick Lang
WP Dean Holoien

Yours In Fastball,
Hank De Wild
   <hdewild at milwpc.com>

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