[Alsfastball] Walsh Scores to date - Saturday am

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Jul 24 14:15:09 EDT 2004

From: "patessoftball" <patessoftball at enter.net>
To: fastball at pmihrm.com
Subject: Walsh Scores to date
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2004 13:09:18 -0500

Here are some scores through the noon games.

Circle Tap 5 vs - Federal Lock 0
      Dewey Dyck threw a no hitter for Circle Tap

Federal Lock 5 vs- Heflin Builders 4

Broken Bow 3 vs-Heflin Builders 0
      Winning Pitcher = Frank Cox
      Losing Pitcher = Paul Koert
      Home Runs: Broken Bow's Mike Taylor had 2 - 5th with 1 on and 7th 0 on

Farm Tavern 7 vs- Team Rainey 0
      Winning Pitcher = Dean Holoien
      Losing Pitcher = Tony Peeples
      Home Runs: Farm Tavern's Paul Lynch had one in the 2nd with 1 on
                 Farm Tabern's Don Smet had one in the 3rd with 0 on

County Materials 1 vs- HIS Construction 0
      Winning Pitcher = Karl Gollan  Threw a 1 hitter
      Losing Pitcher = Terry Luster

We will send you more later.
Thanks,  Mary Sue
patessoftball at enter.net

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