[Alsfastball] FedLock Allentown

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Jul 25 21:10:52 EDT 2004

From: "Mike Groves" <falcon at fedlock.com>
To: "'Al Doran'" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: FedLock Allentown
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 21:03:27 -0400

Allentown, Pa

After struggling to a 1-2 record on Saturday, FedLock had a better Sunday 
than it did on Saturday.

FedLock 2
Team Rainey  0
WP - Brian Urquhart & Steve Sell
LP - Bricklen Anderson & Acedo
Steve Sell & Ken Coles RBI singles

FedLock 1
Houston  0
WP - Brian Urquhart & Steve Sell
LP - Terry Luster & Julio Gamarci
Ken Coles RBI single
Of note:  Some truly stupendous diving, leaping, full-out running "ESPN" 
catches by both team's centerfielders (Sauer- Fedlock; Evans - Houston) on 
the huge no-fence open field at Percy Ruhe Park.  Old-time fastball was in 
the house at Ruhe Park & it was just plain fun to see it.

The tough Halifax native Brian Urquhart is now starting to show the 
pitching skills he displayed at the WT in 2003.  Urquhart is rapidly moving 
up from the "flamethrower chucker" category to the "crafty pitcher" 
ranks.  He went 14 strong innings on Sunday & his FedLock mates backed him 
up with solid defense & just enough offense to carry the day in the 
consolation bracket.

Allentown was slogged with heavy sheets of rain Friday night.  In 
addition,  extended airline delays for teams demolished the planned 
schedule of games.  Yet, the tourney committee handled it all with aplomb.

A great tournament.  Why ?  Basically, from the participant's standpoint, 
it comes down to organization & communication.  Allentown has got it down 
as far as dealing with inclement weather, schedule changes, and 
team-oriented structure.  Kudos to Russ Lloyd, Jon Adams, and a host of 
friendly & helpful volunteers at both ballfields.  I watched several 
innings of the championship game on the television in the tourney 
HQ.  Excellent job, complete with instant slow-motion replays & competent, 
crisp commentary.  Our game belongs on television !!  It looked absolutely 
great.  John Becker, you have screen presence !  Who knew ?!?!  Seriously, 
both The Farm & County teams looked superb on the tube & the broadcast team 
knew how to present the game professionally.

Allentown is, without question, one of the top tourneys on the Major 
fastball circuit.  It's right there with Orillia in terms of organization, 
top competition, great ballfield (Patriots Park), and 
professionalism.  Crowds good, not as thick as Orillia, but perhaps having 
a good local team (Quaker??) next year would help address that factor.

Sponsorship was solid from Haldeman Ford, Skybox Restaurant and 
others.  Lehigh Valley Convention Center rep Michael Kusmuk put together 
excellent game packets with local dining info & other tidbits for the teams.

I have been journeying to Allentown for many years.  This event has 
improved every year.  They want to know what they can do better for the 
teams & that's gained them much respect.  The prize purse, in this era of 
rapidly fading money tourneys, is the highest in the world.  And all teams 
receive something back from that purse, which at least covers the entry fee 
(500 usd) and for many teams goes a long way to covering hotel rooms.  Much 
appreciated by the "budget" sponsors.

Not too many issues with "the second field" named Percy Ruhe Park.  A huge 
open field, no fans, but in a way it was fastball in a purist 
sense.  Outfielders could run the long blasts down, but there was hell to 
pay if it got by 'em.  This field brought out the instinctive genius in 
born & bred outfielders & I must say that it was a joy to watch these guys 
operate out there.  The grass was a little long, so the outfielders had 
their work cut out for them in hustling in for singles & their throws had 
to be spot-on.  Infield at Ruhe was smooth & true.  Truth be told, this 
writer kinda liked it there.......

Umpiring was consistent and in fact on balls & strikes was markedly better 
than in previous years.  Still some bizarre (translation: ignorant of the 
rules) calls that do not belong in any Major competition.

Patriots Park snack bar:  very good.  Dollar beers.  Namesake Philly cheese 
steaks were tasty.  Just all-around good with fair pricing.

Hotel was excellent.  Top notch service & great value / variety free 
breakfast for all was excellent.  Name:  The Fairfield Inn by Marriott near 
the ABE airport.  Excellent tourney rate:  $ 69.00 per night.  Leaves the 
old horror-show Days Inn Conference Center in the grime pit (deservedly 
so).  Fast check out, friendly staff.  Thank you, Peggy 
Godfrey.  Note:  not a good idea to wait to make reservations in this 
region in July, advance booking almost mandatory.

Many dining choices.  Many bar choices.

County is looking like the 2004 juggernaut.  The Sonnentags may finally 
realize their long-sought after goal of an ISC title.  Tough lineup one 
through nine.  Zack looking extremely sharp (shades of the mid-90's for the 
Big Z?).  Mata is tough with his snapping low rise & sheer velocity.  Karl 
Gollan is intensity defined in the circle & is throwing quality innings.
Bow - tremendous firepower 1 through 9, led by take-your-pick, but I would 
doff my cap to 3b Jody Eidt for pure bat speed & a very tough out.
Farm - this team is power-packed & can do what it decides it wants to 
do;  Dean Holein is very much on his game & throwing cannon shots from 46 feet.
Circle Tap - can beat you many different ways, and they have tons of speed 
followed by no-kidding power at the plate, & with Denny Bruckert working 
all the angles, you can bet that they will do everything that they can do 
to find that path to success.
Heflin - wracked by injuries, including the possible season-ending injury 
to  top catcher Chris Shufelt, but still tough with Paul Koert & Doug Sleep 
showing good form in the circle.
Houston - this team will punch out some teams in the WT, but time will tell 
if they can muster the troops to carry on past pool play.
Team Rainey - the centerfielder Porto is the real deal, with an on-target 
wicked-bat-speed twist reminiscent of Tap's strong man Delarwelle - and 
Porto can run well, too - and this team believes in itself.  Pitching will 
tell the story here, with Peeples & Anderson & Price (?) going to the circle.
FedLock - can manager Groves get his ballplayers to believe in themselves 
as much as he believes in them?  Stay tuned.  Loads of talent here, yet to 
be unleashed.

Regards from The Nation's Capital,

Michael Groves
<mailto:falcon at fedlock.com>falcon at fedlock.com

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