[Alsfastball] OASA Eliminations - Saturday Morning - One Game Behind

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Jul 31 10:40:15 EDT 2004

Owen Sound, ON

Due to heavy overnight rains the diamonds are being groomed (lots of 
sawdust) to mop up the excess water and then we will be playing very soon.

Its overcast, the sun is trying to break through, its not raining at the 

We hope to report game by game all day here at the park.

eScribe is back up, it came up last night, after they restored all the 
backed up files.

We still cannot post to it yet though, but keep watching.  eta is a day or 
two to get the new equipment all working properly.
eScribe is owned by Scott, a private individual in California who does this 
on his own with one other volunteer.

So keep watching the TEMP site - link below or go to www.fastpitchwest.com
and see Al's Fastball Archives.

10:30am  Saturday

Play Ball!!!


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