[Alsfastball] OASA Intermediate Elims - Game 16 - Port Elgin over Campbellford - 7:45pm end

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Jul 31 20:06:43 EDT 2004

Game 16


W12 – Campbellford: 3
L10 – Port Elgin: 6

Game ended 7:45pm

Port Elgin:

WP: Daryl Banks: 6.1 IP, 3R, 3ER, 6H, 4K, 0BB
Rob Fawcett: .2 IP, 0R, 0ER, 1H, 2K, 0BB

LP: Andrew Bill: 3.1 IP, 5R, 3ER, 4H, 2K, 0BB
Jesse Milne: 2.2 IP, 1R, 1ER, 2H, 0K, 0BB

It was a scoreless game until the 4th when the Blue Devils from Port Elgin 
broke out with 5 runs on hits by Reiley, Willis, Whitney. They scored 
another run in the 5th. The Titans came alive in the 7th scoring 3 runs to 
make it a little interesting.

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