[Alsfastball] UOVMFL July Report

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sat Jul 31 21:02:30 EDT 2004

From: "Brown, Adam" <Adam.Brown at ottawa.ca>
To: "'fastball at pmihrm.com'" <fastball at pmihrm.com>
Subject: UOVMFL July Report
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2004 21:00:05 -0400

The Upper Ottawa Valley Men's Fastball League standings as of July 31 are as

Shawville Hursty's Bar........8-3-0 - 16pts
Micksburg Twins...............7-2-1 - 15pts
Campbell's Bay Royals.........4-7-1 -  9pts
Beachburg NRTco...............2-7-2 -  6pts
CFB Petawawa Stags............2-8-0 -  4pts
Fitzroy Harbour WC Electric...4-0-0 (Affiliate team)


Shawville Hursty's Bar moved into first place by a single point with a 2-2
record in July.  In a "four-point game" 10-1 win over Petawawa on July 26,
Todd Fraser had the pitching win as well as contributing with 3 home runs
and 7 RBIs.  Todd Hearty also had a home run in Shawville's defeat at
Fitzroy Harbour.

The Micksburg Twins, ranked #7 in Ontario, suffered their first two defeats
in league play and moved down to second place.  The Twins were defeated by
CFB Petawawa and Fitzroy Harbour.  Pitcher Corey Costello had a win over
Campbell's Bay to remain undefeated at 6-0.  Veteran lefty Dwight Mick came
out of retirement for Micksburg and had a win and a loss.  Jamey Mick had
two home runs in the month.  Micksburg won the seven-team Shawville
tournament on July 4 and finished second in the eight-team Campbell's Bay
Bash tournament on July 11.

Campbell's Bay Royals beat first place Shawville on July 20 by a score of
6-1.  Veteran lefty Len Berger has returned from injury and had the win for
the Royals.  Berger also led the Royals to a 2-2 tie at Beachburg on July
30.  Campbell's Bay hosted the fourth annual Bay Bash on July 9-11 which was
again a successful tournament, won this year by the Toronto Champions

Beachburg NRTco only played two games in July, going 0-1-1 and remaining in
fourth place. Shawn Costello led the defending champions to a 2-2 tie at
home against Campbell's Bay.

CFB Petawawa Stags went 1-1 in July.  The military team scored a huge upset
win on July 12 defeating Micksburg 9-7.  Johnny Woods had the pitching
victory for the Stags.

Affiliated team, Fitzroy Harbour West Carleton Electric, remain undefeated
in four games in the UOVMFL.  The Electric travelled to Micksburg and came
away with a 6-4 win.  Jason Armstrong pitched well for the victory and Shawn
Rebertz had a home run.  Fitzroy Harbour also hosted a double header during
the annual summer festival in Fitzroy and won both games: 5-0 over
Campbell's Bay and 8-3 over Shawville.  Bud Hanlon had both pitching

Fitzroy Harbour will be hosting a tournament on Aug 27-29.  Campbell's Bay
and Micksburg have both confirmed their attendance.

Pitcher's Records:

Corey Costello....MICK..6-0
Mark Wright.......SHAW..3-2
Todd Fraser.......SHAW..2-0
Jason Armstrong...FITZ..2-0
Todd Hearty.......SHAW..2-0
Bud Hanlon........FITZ..2-0
Tony Newberry.....CBAY..2-3
Len Berger........CBAY..1-1-1
Shawn Costello....BBRG..1-1-1
Curtis King.......PET...1-0
Jamie Wilson......CBAY..1-1
Dwight Mick.......MICK..1-1
Johnny Woods......PET...1-4
Jonathon Regier...BBRG..1-6-1
Jamey Mick........MICK..0-1-1
Troy Dumouchel....CBAY..0-2
Rick Sutherland...PET...0-3

For more information on the league, see the website at

Adam Brown
Fitzroy Fastball
fitzroyfastball at yahoo.ca

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