[Alsfastball] OASA Intermediate Elims - Game 20 - Port Elgin over Cobourg - time check: midnight

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Aug 1 00:06:43 EDT 2004

Game 20


W14 – Cobourg: 1
W16 – Port Elgin: 7

Finished before midnight

Port Elgin:

WP: Rob Fawcett: 7 IP, 1R, 1ER, 2H, 13K, 2BB
C: Matt Turcotte

LP: Jeff Murphy: 5.3 IP, 5R, 3ER, 5H, 5K, 1BB
Jason Benne: 1.1 IP, 2R, 2ER, 4H, 0K, 0BB

C: Tom Lewis

G. Thede had 2 singles, 1 RBI
P. Lantz had 2 singles, 2 RBIs

Daryl Buttar had a triple for Cobourg.

Buttar scored Cobourg’s only run on a wild pitch in the 4th inning. Port 
Elgin rallied in the 6th inning, scoring 5 runs, on 4 hits.

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