[Alsfastball] OASA Senior Elims - Game 6 - Waterloo in tight one over Jarvis; time checked

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Aug 1 00:41:32 EDT 2004

Game 6 - S


W3 – Jarvis: 0
W4 – Waterloo: 1


WP: Jamie Simpson: 6 IP, 0R, 0ER, 2H, 4K, 3BB
Don Scott: 1 IP, 0R, 0ER, 1H, 2K, 0BB
C: Brian Stere

LP: Mike Joseph: 6 IP, 1R, 0ER, 5H, 7K, 1BB
C: Allan Phibbs

Ron White had 2 singles for Waterloo.

Corey Brooks had a triple for Jarvis.
Bob Gillow had a single and walked.

It was an exciting game with a lot of nail biting goings on. When Waterloo 
scored in the 5th we thought it would open up the game but was the only run 
to be scored in the game.

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