[Alsfastball] OASA Intermediate Sunday Summary - championships

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Sun Aug 1 21:34:45 EDT 2004

Owen Sound, ON

Owen Sound Men’s Intermediate Eliminations


Game 22


L17 – Breslau: 0
W20 – Port Elgin: 1

Port Elgin:

WP: S. Christie: 7 IP, 0R, 0ER, 2K, 0BB
C: M. Turcotte

LP: Jim Schnarr: 7 IP, 1R, 8K, 2BB
C: Tim Dubois

It was a close game with only one run scored in the 4th. Both teams played 
well with no errors.

Game 23


L18 – Owen Sound: 1
W19 – St. Mary’s: 3

Game ended at 10:45am

Owen Sound Crunch:
St. Mary’s:        

WP: Scott Brookshaw (w): 5 IP, 1R, 1ER, 5H, 3K, 1BB
Steve Cook: 2.0 IP, 0R, 0ER, 2H, 4K, 0BB
C: Ross Herold

LP: Brad Thompson:  6 IP, 3R, 3ER, 6H, 5K, 1BB
C: Tim Cox

Jeff VanVliet had 2 singles for St. Mary’s.

Mark Feltis went 4 for 4, 3 singles and one double.
Jason Redmond doubled.

Garret Baker for the Crunch made a favulous diving catch in the outfield in 
the B1 with 2 runners on to keep the Crunch in the game. Steve Cook came in 
in relief to shut down the Crunch.

Game 24


W23 – St. Mary’s: 3
W22 – Port Elgin: 1

Port Elgin:
St. Mary’s:

WP: Cam Smith  5 IP, 0R, 0ER, 2H, 4K, 1BB
  Steve Cook:  2 IP, 1R, 1ER, 2H, 4K, 2BB
C: Kevin Thompson

LP: Rob Fawcett: 6 IP, 3R, 3ER, 7H, 8K, 1BB
C: R. Dudgeon

Matt Reinhart hit a single and a double.
Dan Murrell, a triple and a double.
Jeff Van Vliet, 2 singles

R. Whitney, single
A.     Whitney, single
M. Willis, single
S. Christie, single

A run in the 2nd followed by insurance runs in the 3rd and 6th innings was 
all St. Mary’s needed to defeat Port Elgin Blue Devils.

MVP of Game: Kevin Thompson (game winning RBI).

Game 25


L21 – Harriston: 1
W24 –  St Mary’s: 2

8 inning game

game ended at 3:05pm

St. Mary’s:  

WP: Scott Brookshaw: 5.2 IP, 1R, 5H, 3K, 1BB
  Steve Cook: 2.1 IP, 0R, 3H, 2K, 0BB
C: Ross Herold

LP: Fred Follings: 8 IP, 2R, 7H, 6K, 1BB
C: Geoff Gunson

Jeremy Lambourne started on 2nd in B8 under international time breaker 
rule; ran to 3b on passed ball, and scored on a run down.

Game 26


W21 – Stoufville: 0
W25 – St. Mary’s: 1

St. Mary’s win their 4th game of the day and will now play the IF game, Game 27

Game ended at 6:30pm

St. Mary’s:

WP: Cam Struth:  5 IP, 0R, 1H, 3K, 5BB
  Steve Cook: 2 IP, 0R, 1H, 4K, 0BB
C: Kevin Thompson

LP: Byron Barainieski: 7 IP, 1R, 6H, 4K, 0BB
C: Dale Boadway

Matt Reinhart was the only scorer in the top of the 5th, with a home run.

Game 27

W26 – St. Mary’s: 4
L26 if 1st loss – Stoufville: 5

On Diamond 2 at 7pm

Game ended at 9:10pm

St. Mary’s had the bases loaded in the bottom of the 7 but could not bring 
home a runner.

Details to follow.

Stoufville win the championship in the Intermediate division.

St. Mary’s:  

WP: Scott Evans: 4 IP, 1R, 1ER, 1H, 2K, 0BB
  Paul Boynton:  1.1 IP, 2R, 1ER, 1H, 1K, 0BB
  Byron Baraniski: 1.2 IP, 1R, 1ER, 2H, 3K, 3BB
C: Danny Deeks

LP: Scott Bronkshaw: 4 IP, 2R, 2ER, 6H, 3K, 1BB
  Steve Cook: 3 IP, 3R, 3ER, 5H, 2K, 1BB
C: Ross Herold

Scott Evans had a HR, 2 douvles, 2 RBI, 2 runs.
Brett Boyd had 2 singles, a double, scored a run.
Rich Burkholder, 2 singles, a run.

Matt Reinhart, a single, a double, scored a run, had an RBI.
Jeff Vanvlief, 2 singles, an RBI.
Jeremy Lambourn, a triple, a single, a run.

A nail biter til the end. Could have gone either way.

MVP of Game: Scott Evans

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