[Alsfastball] AFSA and Monkton - Missing results from these tournaments

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Aug 3 09:01:27 EDT 2004

From: "Gary Baughman" <iscstat at hotmail.com>
To: aldoran at pmihrm.com
Subject: AFSA and Monkton
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 2004 12:18:17 +0000

The AFSA held a tournament in Aurora IL LAST WEEKEND. Absolutly NO 
reporting from this tournament. Aurora D& M Finnally reported 2 games. 
Midland as usual gave thier games with winning and losing pitchers and 
ELBURN Richwrap reported with highlights for their team but no pitchers for 
their opponnets. Maybe I got spoiled with the complete reporting done by 
the other 4 tournaments played last weekend. Their are good tournaments 
palyed in Illinois over the season but little is found out about them 
unless a team happens to report their games.  I also wonder where the 
reporting was from Monkton on their tournament I found scores on their web 
site by no winning and losing pitchers. The only real reporting done was 
from Thursday night and from Sunday. Would anyone out there care to email 
me and give me the reults from these 2 tournaments ALONG WITH WINNING AND 

Thanks,Gary Baughman  I.S.C. 

iscstat at hotmail.com

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