[Alsfastball] Junior Men's Canadians ongoing at L'Amoureaux

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Tue Aug 3 10:52:21 EDT 2004

Here's some scores from the Junior Men's Canadians ongoing at L'Amoureaux
Park in Scarboro:

More info can be found at: http://eteamz.active.com/wolverinesjrmenscdns/

1 D1 Aug 2 9:00 am ON2 1 SK1 2
2 D2 Aug 2 10:00 am SK2 2 ON1 4
3 D1 Aug 2 11:00 am ON3 6 BC 5
4 D2 Aug 2 12 Noon NL 6 AB2 5
5 D1 Aug 2 1:00 pm QC 0 Host 7
6 D2 Aug 2 2:00 pm AB1 1 NS 5
7 D1 Aug 2 3:00 pm BC 1 ON1 9
8 D1 Aug 2 6:30 pm SK1 7 Host 6
9 D2 Aug 2 6:30 pm AB2 7 QC 6
10 D1 Aug 2 8:30 pm NL 6 ON2 3

Teams are:
Scarborough Wolverines -  Host
Grande Prairie Junior Pride - Alberta # 1
Calgary DT Fire - Alberta # 2
Clearbrook Plaza Juniors - British Columbia
CBC Junior Canadians - Newfoundland
Central Home Improvement Junior - Nova Scotia
Waterloo Hallman Junior Twins - Ontario # 1
North Fred Kings, Greater Napanee - Ontario # 2
Fingal Juniors - Ontario # 3
Express St. Leonard d'Aston - Quebec
Saskatoon Junior Diamondbacks - Saskatchewan # 1
Ocapowace Junior Thunder - Saskathewan # 2


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