[Alsfastball] USA SOFTBALL-Get the latest from Athens and Team USA's progress

Al Doran aldoran at pmihrm.com
Thu Aug 5 08:55:56 EDT 2004

Subject: USA SOFTBALL-Get the latest from Athens and Team USA's progress
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 05:02:54 -0500

For Immediate Release: 8/5/04

Get the latest from Athens and Team USA’s progress

ATHENS, GREECE --- Completing its seventh day of practice, Team USA has 
settled into the birthplace of the Olympic Games and are gearing up for its 
opening contest on August 14 against Italy.

“Today was probably the best practice we have had in over a year,” said 
head coach Mike Candrea. “The intensity level was excellent and the 
players were completely focused. We need to continue to get better every 
day as we gear up for our opening game versus Italy.”

It has been all business for the team since it arrived in Athens on July 
29. Since going through processing at the American College of Greece, the 
team has practiced each day at the Helliniko Softball Complex and sometimes 
goes back to the College for extra batting practice, weight workouts or cardio.

For an updated photo gallery log on to www.usasoftball.com 
<http://www.usasoftball.com>  and visit the Olympic homepage. Players will 
be submitting journals documenting their Olympic experience and these will 
be posted on the Olympic home page.

Fans can also send emails to their favorite players wishing them luck as 
they go for the gold at Good Luck Wishes for Team USA 
<mailto:info at softball.org> . These emails will be sent to the village for 
all the players and coaches to read and post in their apartments as 
inspiration throughout the Games.

A few of the early players journals are listed below.

Tairia Mims Flowers

August 4, 2004

Today was a pretty long day.  We keep thinking we’ll have so much down 
time just in the village, but it hasn’t happened yet.  We practiced in 
the morning which was fun because it was a semi-scrimmage.  We can’t wait 
to start playing so anything that resembles a game gets us pumped.  After 
practice we traveled back to the Olympic village for lunch (on the way we 
see the Parthenon everyday to and from practice­WOW, such a view!)  Then we 
had just enough time to  eat and drop off a few things in the rooms before 
heading back on the bus for another practice.  It was just a review of 
plays, signs, and certain situations.

After our second practice, we had about two hours to either shop or walk 
around the ‘city’ area near the college.  Some girls went to a K-Mart 
like store and bought sleeping bags (it gets pretty cold at night in the 
apartment), Razor scooters, and the almighty TV.  We now can have movie 
nights!  Last night was ‘Butterfly Effect.’

It’s funny watching my teammates on the scooters because they are like a 
gang­like in the movie ‘Sandlot’ when tthe other group of boys ride up 
on their bikes. Its been really fun though and I can’t wait to get started!



Jessica Mendoza

August 3, 2004

It has been a whirlwind this first week we have landed in Athens.  After 
traveling for over 24 hours straight, it took us a couple of days to get 
acclimated to the time zone, weather, and overall excitement of finally 
being here at the Olympic Games.

We were some of the first athletes to check in here at the village, and I 
never imagined anything like it.  As we have seen more and more athletes 
move in, I get more and more excited about what these Games are all 
about.  Each country has their flag draped across their building, so as we 
walk around we try to guess what country goes with which flag.  During the 
meals we mingle with athletes from Ghana, Kazakhstan, Brazil and even 
countries we may not have heard of before (Turkistan).

I am truly realizing what makes these Games so special.  Just to be able to 
talk with all of these other athletes from other countries, and hearing how 
they got here and what they had to do, gives me a real perspective on why 
this is the biggest sporting event in the world.  I don't think I have ever 
been so excited for anything as much as I am for this right now, and we are 
still two weeks out from our first game!!!  I am so happy to be here and 
have this experience, and I hope that everyone back home can just feel a 
portion of the excitement we are feeling right now as these games get 
closer and closer ...

Cat Osterman, Pitcher

August 1, 2004

Well we have officially made it to Athens! We are all moved into the 
village, and even have a couple of practices under our belts.

The village is HUGE! Some have taken on the adventure of catching a bus to 
our destinations, but often times we end up on the wrong side of the 
village and have to switch buses to get to where we really want to go. 
Myself and some others have learned to enjoy the long walks to our favorite 
places, mainly internet and dining hall. Our dining hall is big as well. 
It's filled with so many tables and different food stations. I can't forget 
the most important, there is a McDonalds in the cafeteria, and from what we 
hear, once the village is open and fully operational it will be 24 hours! 
Some of us are having to withstand our urges to grab McDs for every meal.

We are all on one floor of an apartment. There are 4 bedrooms on each side 
with two people to a room! The only bad part is there are only 2 bathrooms, 
but so far showering has worked out well. We figured out how to dial out of 
our land line phone, and slowly we are making friends around the village. 
Well we say making friends, but its really people getting used to seeing us 
come to the same places everyday.

We had our first practice yesterday. We have 2 practice fields next to our 
stadium.  After a good practice we were able to get a tour of our stadium. 
Now being the bright college student I am, I forgot my video camera on this 
day. (Sense the sarcasm please) I have no footage of our stadium, but it's 
really nice. There are 4 locker rooms. 2 for the teams playing and 2 for 
the teams waiting to play the next game. They all have connections to the 
dugout, so it's really not a hassle getting around there at all.  The 
seating in our stadium is nice as well. Not a bad seat in the house, with 
the exception of if you are in the sun, but then the sun is the only bad part!

We are enjoying ourselves so far,  but are definitely looking forward to 
Coach Candrea and the alternates arrival!

We miss you all back home! We love you!

Cat #8

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